ami instant road bed


Jan 18, 2005
Anybody ever use AMI instant roadbed and if so what did you think of it??
I am also looking for somplace to buy it the local hobby shops dont carry it and having a heck of a time finding somplace to buy it on the web !!
I hate it I hate it I hate it

Well I did end up finding some AMI road bed and wish I hadn't it is a great concept but it sticks like fly paper as soon as it touches anything and you have to take the paper off to get it to bend therfore you have two sticky faces to wrestel :curse: Now I am going to have to wait till the funds are avalible to purchase a product that I know I should be able to work with CORK all the way dont bother with this headach :mad: I will probly end up with a new 4x8 sheet after I try to pull this stuff up cuz it will leave a lot of nasty leftovers that would take a lot of time and energy to try to get it off
This product stinks
yes, but how do you really feel........:D

if you end up having to, flip your plywood over, don't by a new one, unless you have already flipped it before

hope everything turns out alright.
p.s. like your avatar.
Dang, Mike, sorry for your troubles. :( Maybe on a cold Minnesota you can drag the sheet outside and it might get cold enough to where you can break or pry the stuff off. Give the used roadbed to the neighbor kid to play with before it gets sticky again. :D Maybe sell any unused here or on ebay?