"Daisy Chain" effect. Same thing happens with these telephone poles. Most of these lines should have been buried decades ago, that way only small section would need to be repaired.
Judging by how some of these limbs broke, either I am way stronger than I though, or I had a lot of standing dead branches. It's the latter I am sure. I have a Husqavarna 445 Chainsaw, and will be cutting everything to fireplace length, separate the seasoned stuff, get rid of the rotten stuff into my 70' long compost pile, till it in. I have Earthworms as big as snakes I'll, chip the rest, use the mulch in the yard. The idea is to re-purpose., (I'm the only person I know who has a chipper, what is it with these people 'round here? There a friend of our family, and I do like these people, but there 10,000 ft. square home smells to high heaven when the power goes (sump pump off, smells like they have a septic problem), so they have to stay in a hotel, throw out everything in their fridge and freezer, throw away rugs, and their house has a panel for a generator. I offered them a 7500 watt generator I rebuilt (very minor work needed), that even idles when no draw is detected, and being friends, I asked $200 dollars, for this $2000 dollar when new generator. They politely declined, I even offered to connect and show them how to use it.. I still have that generator as a back up and, and a 4000 Watt, as a further back up, that I tow around on a trailer with my tractor, so I can use my electric hedge trimmer, and other electric tools, out in the yard. Both are electric start. I will not offer these for sale either, nor loan them out. Last one I loaned back came back with the motor blown. They didn't even say anything . I would not asked for anything either, but the motor was bone dry, they never checked the oil. My newer ones have "low Oil" shut off.