I'm rebuilding my Ho layout ( see the logging minning and industrial section). I am changing the set up of my interchange with the Southern Railway; in this next incarnation of my frelanced shortline, I will share a section of mainline with the Southern Ralway. I will use return loops built into the layout proper, and my Southern staging so that Southern trains will apear to be going and comming in bothe directions, they used to just shove cuts of cars onto my railroad and leave.
I figured with this new set up I needed an interlocking tower for the Southern at each end of the shared track, and I chose the Walther's Cornerstone trackside stuctures kit, which has an interlocking tower, a crossing shanty, and a speeder shed. I bought two kits, and will paint and build both of the interlocking towers and the crossing shanties for the Southern, and will paint one of the speeder shed for my own DG CC & W RR, in the white and green trim color scheme I have been using for the last ten years, some of my older buildings are red and black.
I am writing this review because I really like the way these kits are set up with the multiple piece walls, which allows some serious strength, and detail, while allowing great seperation of colors for the trim and windows
I always paint every piece of a plastic kit (excepting window glazing) with spray paint to kill any plastic shine. while it takes a little . head scratching to figure what should be painted what color, The fit of the parts and the way the wall is set up allows for very neat construction, and color seperation. I've only gotten results this neat with laser cut wood stuctures. these produce real quality buildings with relative ease.
I haven't built them yet, but I am showing the parts for one of the Jordon speeders. these may be too mocern for my era, (I'll have to check, If they are I will build them and take them to the club. these have a special place in my heart, as My Grandfather Nelson was a Patent Attourney, and drew up the patent's for these critters.
Bill Nelson
I figured with this new set up I needed an interlocking tower for the Southern at each end of the shared track, and I chose the Walther's Cornerstone trackside stuctures kit, which has an interlocking tower, a crossing shanty, and a speeder shed. I bought two kits, and will paint and build both of the interlocking towers and the crossing shanties for the Southern, and will paint one of the speeder shed for my own DG CC & W RR, in the white and green trim color scheme I have been using for the last ten years, some of my older buildings are red and black.
I am writing this review because I really like the way these kits are set up with the multiple piece walls, which allows some serious strength, and detail, while allowing great seperation of colors for the trim and windows
I always paint every piece of a plastic kit (excepting window glazing) with spray paint to kill any plastic shine. while it takes a little . head scratching to figure what should be painted what color, The fit of the parts and the way the wall is set up allows for very neat construction, and color seperation. I've only gotten results this neat with laser cut wood stuctures. these produce real quality buildings with relative ease.
I haven't built them yet, but I am showing the parts for one of the Jordon speeders. these may be too mocern for my era, (I'll have to check, If they are I will build them and take them to the club. these have a special place in my heart, as My Grandfather Nelson was a Patent Attourney, and drew up the patent's for these critters.
Bill Nelson