I really like that "Kid's Korner" idea. I like it a lot. It scares me a bit though. I would think that participation in a kids corner will require some serious vetting. If we set up a kids corner, I want to be able to track any person involved down, if need be, and without much effort, if you know what I mean. All personal contact information, and confirmed. I like the spelling "Kids Korner", that has a nice ring to it.
In all seriousness though, maybe because of my past employment and the modus operadi of some particularly evil people, this would be a "Locked Down" forum within a forum section. Read Only for most members. It's not that I don't trust most people here, it's just when it comes to some things, I don't trust anybody. We'll sort it out, and with input from very trusted, proven members. I have3 friends in Homeland Security" and might be able to have a list of people who wish to participate, and agree to being scrutinized, checked out.
If that seems too intrusive, then Rhaven and I will "Run it". No chances taken with kids.
On the flip side, I would like an "Adult Section". Not pornographic stuff, but some stuff that I consider artful, but others might not. Bass Relief paper models. Kind of hard to explain. I made a few and the people I made them for framed them and put them up in their bedroom.