TOS Enterprise in progress

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Midnight Modeler
Apr 30, 2009
Florida, USA
I actually have 2 in the works. Both are Ron Caudillo's model of the original enterprise, one in the original scale of 1:720 and one scaled down to 1:1700. The larger one is actually on the back burner for now while i concentrate on my 1:1700 fleet but i dug out the subassemblies i had done to shoot next to the small one.


I actually have the shuttle bay tower on the little one now just didnt when i snapped these.


The little one is also noticeably cleaner due to the couple of models since i did the work on the big one (Im still new at this) and the fact that i remove tabs and edge glue wherever i can now.



Thats as far as i am right now, will post more as it comes along.
Looking Good Sidewinder! I'm glad you were able to successfully scale it down to 1:1700 as you needed. You'll have to post comparison pics of your fleet for us.

Best Regards,
more pics

Ok the primary hull is done except for the impulse engine. I left out 2 of the internal support rings figuring with this small of a model a floppy saucer is highly unlikely. It worked out just fine.I also edge glued the outer edges of the saucer.





Just a quick comparison shot for grins.

Ok thats it until next time. thanks for all the compliments guys!
Hey, glad to see you chose to rescale Ron's 1701. It looks a lot more detailed than Chippy's. It's coming out great. I'll have to use your build thread as a guide when I do mine. I think you convinced me to use Ron's too :)

Keep up the good work! :thumb:

The forward secondary hull went without a hitch. I wish i could say the same for the nacelles hehe. i had to halve the # of pieces in the fin stack up front and put caps from chippy's kit on the domes to cover the gaping holes i left in the front wall1. I think it all worked out ok in the end though.









Whew! that was a challenging little build for me. Next up is a request from a friend, the SF Papercraft Millenium Falcon. Then back to Enterprises with Pericles' NX-01, Clever's B, C, and D, Paragon's from the new movie and Zosho's E. Wont that be fun!
Now that looked to be quite the challenge! All those scaled down little parts would have driven me nuts! I think you did a GREAT job! I apologize for the design of the fronts of the warp nacelles. It's all I knew at the time I designed it. The petal design has always been hard for me to build also.

Thanks again for this build thread.

Best Regards,
That is a truly super build there, Sidewinder! I like the fact that you custom-designed a base which mimics the one with the Refit. I also love how smooth you got the compound curves on the shuttlebay and the bridge/B-C deck. :thumb:
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