The RC Ten Commandments
1- Thou shalt turneth on thine transmitter before thou turneth on thine receiver, and thou shalt turneth off thine receiver before though turneth off thine transmitter, lest thine ride loseth control and draweth the wrath of all thine neighbors;
2- Thou shalt verify that none of thine neighbors on the track have the same channel as thou before thou turneth on thine transmitter, and thou shalt cry out thee number of thine channel before thou turneth on thine transmitter, lest thou suffer thee wrath of all thine neighbors and be dragged unto the center of the holy track and stoned;
3- Thou shalt returneth all of thine neighbor's tools, crystals, and other things that thou borroweth from thine neighbor's pit box;
4- Thou shalt neither covet nor show disrespect to thine neighbors ride, and shalt display good sportsmanship and cry out "good race" even if thou whippeth his a$$ royally;
5- Thou shalt not hacketh upon thine neighbor's bumper neither going into or coming out of a corner in such a manner as to causeth him to spin out and wreck, and if thou doth hacketh upon thine neighbor's bumper, thou shalt pull aside to allow thine neighbor to regain race position lest all of the neighbors in thine villiage place the unholy label of HACK uponst thine ride;
6- Thou shalt checketh thine pinion gear, servo, batteries, engine, and all screws before thou layeth thine ride upon thee holy track, lest thine ride loseth control and ploweth unto the unholy pipe, or hacketh upon thine neighbors' rides and draweth the wrath of all thine neighbors;
7- Thou shalt keep thine diff balls tight and well lubricated, that thine neighbors shalt check it's action and cry out SWEeeeEEET!
8- Thou shalt give thine ride appropriate maintenance and cleaneth it often, and apply unto it every hop-up thou can afford, that it may be totally awesome and dwell in The Holy Hall in the hereafter;
9- Thou shalt not useth thine ride in an unsafe manner, or to chase thine neighbor's cat, or thine neighbor's dog, or thine sister, or thine brother, or any of the animals of the earth, as thine ride is the holy vessel with which thee may participate in the holy ritual of RC racing and should be used only for racing or backyard bashing to keep it holy, Amen;
10- Thou shalt not whineth or maketh excuses as to why thou loseth the holy race.
1- Thou shalt turneth on thine transmitter before thou turneth on thine receiver, and thou shalt turneth off thine receiver before though turneth off thine transmitter, lest thine ride loseth control and draweth the wrath of all thine neighbors;
2- Thou shalt verify that none of thine neighbors on the track have the same channel as thou before thou turneth on thine transmitter, and thou shalt cry out thee number of thine channel before thou turneth on thine transmitter, lest thou suffer thee wrath of all thine neighbors and be dragged unto the center of the holy track and stoned;
3- Thou shalt returneth all of thine neighbor's tools, crystals, and other things that thou borroweth from thine neighbor's pit box;
4- Thou shalt neither covet nor show disrespect to thine neighbors ride, and shalt display good sportsmanship and cry out "good race" even if thou whippeth his a$$ royally;
5- Thou shalt not hacketh upon thine neighbor's bumper neither going into or coming out of a corner in such a manner as to causeth him to spin out and wreck, and if thou doth hacketh upon thine neighbor's bumper, thou shalt pull aside to allow thine neighbor to regain race position lest all of the neighbors in thine villiage place the unholy label of HACK uponst thine ride;
6- Thou shalt checketh thine pinion gear, servo, batteries, engine, and all screws before thou layeth thine ride upon thee holy track, lest thine ride loseth control and ploweth unto the unholy pipe, or hacketh upon thine neighbors' rides and draweth the wrath of all thine neighbors;
7- Thou shalt keep thine diff balls tight and well lubricated, that thine neighbors shalt check it's action and cry out SWEeeeEEET!
8- Thou shalt give thine ride appropriate maintenance and cleaneth it often, and apply unto it every hop-up thou can afford, that it may be totally awesome and dwell in The Holy Hall in the hereafter;
9- Thou shalt not useth thine ride in an unsafe manner, or to chase thine neighbor's cat, or thine neighbor's dog, or thine sister, or thine brother, or any of the animals of the earth, as thine ride is the holy vessel with which thee may participate in the holy ritual of RC racing and should be used only for racing or backyard bashing to keep it holy, Amen;
10- Thou shalt not whineth or maketh excuses as to why thou loseth the holy race.