Optimus prime model question


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2023
hey guys, so im slowly getting through putting my files back together and spotted a rather interesting PDO pic on the web - the file is called 'Papercraft Optimus Prime Evasion Mode T4' by Elso Craft but i cannot seem to find any info on it at all - ive been trying wayback machine but the site has been problematic atm and my searches have thus far been without success?
Have any of you guys seen this model and/or have a link for it by any chance?

preview pic i mentioned from the web - a great looking version (more unusual than most ive seen) any help is awesome! :toast:

Thankyou guys
Hello Seraphim,

that one is from 2014, i have it too in my files.
ELSO's site is not working for a while now (at least when i was trying) but you can try his Facebook link.

Good Luck
Thanks for the link - unfortunately not working (tried a few ways to get to it) that seems to be the main one that comes up, but as you say if the site is no longer working, it seems that avenue is all done :OOPS:
Alternative, i just checked this one out

It is working. Try right click and open in another tab or window if you don't want to loose the site, ore just click on the picture you are interested in.
It will link you to the according Facebook site. There, on the right side there will be Line with DOWNLOAD.... See More. There you get the download link over 4shared.

Not everything is working like that though. For some of his models you have to scroll down to the end of all the pictures, there is a small icon which will also get you to the 4shared site.

Try it and good luck.
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Alternative, i just checked this one out

It is working. Try right click and open in another tab or window if you don't want to loose the site, ore just click on the picture you are interested in.
It will link you to the according Facebook site. There, on the right side there will be Line with DOWNLOAD.... See More. There you get the download link over 4shared.

Not everything is working like that though. For some of his models you have to scroll down to the end of all the pictures, there is a small icon which will also get you to the 4shared site.

Try it and good luck.
thanks for the link - gave it a go, and unfortunately it seems to have the same issue. I had a look online about the error code (403:Forbidden) and it suggests the could be a problem with the link from the original site (advice on how to fix the issue if its your own site) but no, alas i cannot get to that model lol - ive even tried looking for the PDO file but no luck.
Maybd its a regeon problem do you have a VPN or tryed another browser?
no vpn possibly a region thing, its very odd lol, it may just be that my network is funny with 4shared tbh im not sure lol
I have tried to DL the model from the link. The way 4shared is asking for personal data is not the way. There are so many other file sharing sites which work much less troublesome. So I have decided to upload the model to the Resources. You may get it here:

Thankyou RF, very much appreciate the assistance. My technical skills are somewhat mediocre but this was definitely confounding - i try to take care where possible when going through download links as there are quite a few shady sites about so sometimes im reluctant to push my luck. Thank you all guys for your help, id definitely be banging my head without it lol :biggrin::headbange::hand-shake:
You are welcome! :)

And here is Wall-E:

I have made an add-on package for articulated arms. Unfortunately there are no instructions yet (I still don't have the time!!!). You can read everything about it here:

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I LOATHE 4shared.
Im not really sure which of the file share sites are ok, hence my wariness, ive noticed that alot tend to lead you on link through link constantly wanting you to download .exe files, at which point i quit and try elsewhere :sadno:
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That's exactly the reason why I don't like it. There's another, I think adfly or something like that, which is similar. They bomb you with buttons but it is extremely hard to tell which to push in order to get what you want. Ugh. :)
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Whenever you are led to unknown sites to download something make sure that your antivirus is up-to-date and running. ;)
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Whenever you are led to unknown sites to download something make sure that your antivirus is up-to-date and running. ;)
tbh i never get that far now - if its taken me a few click/links and im still nowhere, i pull the plug - i get that antivirus and firewalls are so much better now but tbh its still the internet and there are still plenty of :mooner: about that enjoy ruining peoples day lol. im still getting the hang of searching for papercraft files, previously having been spoilt by using commercial model shop sites for plastic kits etc, - i do think that were it not for the generosity of designers and hobbyists on papercraft forums it would be a much more difficult hobby to access - which would be a great loss as there are just so many amazing designers and modelers out there (like pretty much everyone on here, for example) :cool:
Yaknow, to me the plans for a model are much more important than the build itself. Without the plans you are unable to replicate the model, fix it if necessary or adapt it precisely.
Yaknow, to me the plans for a model are much more important than the build itself. Without the plans you are unable to replicate the model, fix it if necessary or adapt it precisely.
The great thing about this 'branch' of model making to me, is the cooperation, advice, generosity and encouragement - willingness to help and advise on plans, builds and discussing technicalities and sharing - sharing to me is the biggest part of this 'branch' of the hobby, whereas other 'branches' can be somewhat elitist and competitive - advice given is more 'instructive' and you can very much feel like the amateur or your progress isnt as good as it might be - 'rivet counting' insisting that a model is the exact miniature version of the real thing down to the bolts - and where i feel that is amazing if you are trying to build an 'exact' scale copy, it can be overwhelming or stifling to a hobbyist if they are trying their best to progress with their skills. I love being able to see a build come together from the plans that are shared, and the sheer volume of detail that can be created (or replicated) or those simple, pleasant fun builds that are so creative - and no matter what, there is always, always positive comments, advice, and praise of a job well done - down to the sharing of links, plans, materials and progress - what this hobby in general, is all about.
Im not really sure which of the file share sites are ok, hence my wariness, ive noticed that alot tend to lead you on link through link constantly wanting you to download .exe files, at which point i quit and try elsewhere :sadno:
GoogleDrive and MediaFire are two I remember which are much easier to use. This assessment does not say anything about the quality of the offered download though, of course. They are just working smoothly. :)