This is a new Railway Museum near Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada [in Fort Erie]
Print a copy of the flyer attached:
Print a copy of the flyer attached:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 2:24 PM
Subject: Railway Museum open house
Good afternoon. I can't recall who exactly I sent this notice out to, so
if you've already received it once before, I'm sorry.
The Niagara Railway Museum will be holding a special open house on
September 11/12, 2010 9am-4pm at our shop at 21 Warren St. Fort Erie
Ontario. We are housed in the former CNR diesel shop. I have attached a
flyer about the event and ask if you are not able to attend that you could
send this to a friend, or post it on a bulletin board to help spread the
word. This is our second last fundraiser of the year. There are some
other displays I am working on, so this is going to be a great open house.
It goes rain or shine.
Ken Jones Jr.
President - Niagara Railway Museum