N Gauge Engines ( noise, steam???)


New Member
Jan 2, 2005
As you all know engines can make noise's that are built into the engine. now from wut i udnerstand this is DCC. is there ne sort of engine for N Gauge that will do this?
not to my knowledge jason.
still need reliable, cheap, sound chips and speakers that will fit into n-scale locos
another problem is that speaker small enough dont have the fidelity needed...
tiny,tiny,tiny speakers (e.g. neo-tweeters) just can't get the loudness, bass, and midrange needed to make a convincing sound...
for now its better to have a dedicated sound system, with speakers separate.
you could also look into sound systems like those from MRC, and maxx traxx (qsi?).
i haven't tried them, but i remember seeing some good reviews