Hi all


New Member
Dec 9, 2012
I am a papercrafter, and I found this forum on bazookajo's website. I'm sort of new to the hobby in terms of number of papercraft projects done, and I'm probably doing it wrong (I'm impatient so I use superglue), but I enjoy it and that's the main thing. Technically you're not supposed to use superglue on paper, because if you use a lot at once it can get hot. One time I put superglue on a tissue and it started smoking...
Anyway, I've never heard it called Card modeling. I was kind of confused at first. I thought maybe this was a forum dedicated to people who build houses of cards or something...
Well I live in California and I've done some sci-fi and video game papercrafts, right now I'm working on a Stimpy papercraft for a friend who is a big fan of Ren and Stimpy. I'll give it to him for Christmas. It's supposed to be a foot tall!
That's about it for me.
Merry Christmas everyone!
:welcome1: to the forum! use a glue called ZIP DRY. It doesn't dry as fast as Crazy Glue but it is none toxic. That is the worst problems with CA glues is the long term affect. ZIP DRY is very tacky, strong, and holds the part really well while drying. You can also glue extremely dissimilar objects together. Post some pictures, please, and welcome to the forum! :)
That is the worst problems with CA glues is the long term affect.
The long term affect? Am I going to get cancer?! Gosh, everything causes cancer. I'll look for Zip Dry. Maybe I'll post some pictures after I'm done with my current papercraft; as for my previous ones, I gave most of them away to friends and family.
Welcome aboard CA glue is a cyanide product and as such long term exposure to the vapors is toxic. and the old rule is true, if you can smell it, you're breathing it.
I still don't no what you mean. Long term exposure is toxic? It's going to shorten my life? So what will I die of and when? I thought cyanide was a blood thinner. Don't they give that kind of stuff to heart attack patients in small doses?
Sodium cyanide is a poison that kills in seconds. the cyanide builds up in your system and once it reaches toxic levels cell death starts, followed by major organ failure. Not a nice way to die
Don't get me wrong I use CA all the time but with proper ventilation.
I have even used it to instantly close cuts.
I still don't no what you mean. Long term exposure is toxic? It's going to shorten my life? So what will I die of and when? I thought cyanide was a blood thinner. Don't they give that kind of stuff to heart attack patients in small doses?

I will give it straight, you should use it a sparingly as possible.
The gap filling stuff isn't so bad because absorbing it through your skin is not as east as the osmosis process takes longer, ut it is bad for you, and there are many alternatives. I use it very sparingly since i suffered accidental exposure to a high quantity of diluted cyanide in a coolant vat of a machine i was programming. On the other hand, I have sticthed my fingers together when I have sliced them open with crazy glue, burned like hell but I didn't get an infection! Just use great common sense and start exploring glues made by UHU, ZIP DRY , Aileen's etc., which you can get at Michael's craft stores. I have glued metal rods to plastic windows to paper bulkheads with ZIP DRY! :)
Okay, good to know! I have a special fan that I usually just use after I'm done gluing to help the glue dry, I guess I could reverse it and also use it to ventilate... I'll try to get some Zip Dry asap...
We're here to help, never beat you down. If and when you receive a kit of input like this, it honestly is because we do care. Sounds corny, but it's true! :)

So feel free to keep the conversation going and let us know what you end up with. ZIP DRY is lignin free, which means it will not ever yellow, and it is non toxic, same with UHU glues. :)