First try


Will always be re-membered
Dec 28, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario,Canada
I need a number of logging cars for my Nn3 area. The trucks are archbar. The wood is known as white wood here. It is harder than pine but not as hard as maple.
To me this first one looks too high. It turned out that way to allow the trucks to negotiate the tighter radius in my logging track without hitting the center beam. Anyone else having the same problem? The center beam is as wide as it is to handle the truck mounting. Kinda tiny to work with as the car is 1 3/4 inches long or 22 N scale feet.


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To address some of your points:

The reason the car sits too high, is because prototypically these gars had their couplers between the skeleton sills. rather than under it as you have shown.

To reduce the binding issue in turns, there are several thinks that need to be done. The center sills were usually soething to the effect of (3) 8x8, (3) 8x10, or (3) 8x10's....there were other variations, but this is a good general basis.

If you still end up with having turning issues, you can slightly "scallop" the areas where the wheels make contact. This is a technique that was used on the Westside Lumber Company skeleon cars, and can be seen in photos of them.

Below is a sketch of the Argent Lumber Co. log cars, as well as some catalog pages from the russel log car catalog. Hope this helps.


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2nd. attempt

OK it is getting closer and more difficult as my fingers aren't small enough to get in so tight. I have to use my maginfier too. With a load of logs this one shouldn't be too bad.


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That last one looks good Robin. You might want to think about making disconnect sets. Kaddee makes them for ho scale, but it doesn't look like it would be too difficult to make them in any scale.
Thanks Will and Russ
This is a tiny one so it's about my limit seeing as I need another 9 of them
This photo gives you and idea of its size.


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