And now for something completely different..


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2023
Hi all
Thought id post my latest projects im working on at the mo, bit of a mixed bag of well, different stuff lol. Ive been looking at the webs great pool of inspiration and found some builds that are close to my gaming heart - namely World of Warcraft (myself and my partner have been playing for 14 years or so) and Battletech/Mechwarrior. The problem i ran into was the fact that there are some great kits out there, but old links and little credit to designers. So after some discussion with the management, ive been kindly allowed to share these builds and the links to the sites they came from.
I would like to say all design and creation credits go to the original creators, if anyone knows who they may be please credit them for these great designs.

So first up 2 Warcraft builds, a 'moonkin' and a 'murloc' 2 creatures from the game. Both are full colour card kits and are pretty big as you will see, with the 'moonkin' - the bear like model coming with options for different skins and looks. These were both complex builds that fought me all the way but with some persistence and swearing they came through ok. The 'murloc' - blue/yellow/green dude was interesting, making all the teeth, tongue spines etc was involved and he needed support to stand. The main issue was attaching hands and feet due to tiny joints but with a bit of magyvering (adhesive paper printing) and some strong glue again the result was great. These are larger models (hence Pringle tube for scale) so youll need space for them, but if you like these types of kits i do recommend giving them a go. Link to source site: check the categories at the top for links to the models. Again, all credits to their creators.

Next up we have two mechs from the oldschool Battletech/Mechwarrior lines, again great builds with the models coming in at around 30cm tall. The first build is a well known mech from the games, the 'madcat' This is modelled in grey with a couple of options for nose art on the cockpit. Its nothing too involved but I would recommend strengthening the arm/leg joints. The second build is another well known mech the 'marauder' more famously known originally as the 'officerpod'. This is a variant build I liked due to its colour scheme (yellow camo) and is a bit more involved than the 'madcat' but a great build so far. Ive still to add the arm and top mount weapons and ill be customising it (marking/nose art etc) but ill post more as I get through it. Heres the link to the resource site:
Again all credits to their creators for truly great models.

Hope you like these so far, and a big thankyou to the management for all the help.