Ain't seen paint for a while


Nov 6, 2005
Nova Scotia
I have a grade crossing on either side of my place so I get some warning when a train is coming. If their westbound coming down the mountain I only get a couple of minutes eastbound I can generaly feel them(freights anyway) about the same time as they blow for Greenville Anyway yesterday I heard a westbound and rushed to the window to see two big black GE's backed up by three of the scruffiest GP38-2's you'd ever want to clap eyes on. I'm hopin' to catch them comin' back (they go a lot slower, usually) so I can get some pics
Worse then this?

And trust me, thats one of the better looking units!
Man where are you ? No there not worse than that 'cause thats one of them, I jotted the numbers down to look up on CN SIG and of course now can't find the shred of paper but I'm 100% sure that's one of the triplets that I was talking about . Whatta small world eh.
Never mind, after askin' where you were I checked out your bio, neighbour. By some erird twist just as I sent that reply I heard a freight blow for the crossing and the third unit was 4732 and it is worse than 4722 ...much
Those three units have been going by here quite often lately, I'll try'n get some pic's 'n' post 'em. Having said that I'll probably never see 'em again
Man I must be psychic !!! Up untill a coupla day's ago there was at least four freights and two VIA trains a day, now there is one each. One each east one day , one each west the next . What gives?? I haven't seen anything on the news about a wreck, and evn if there was it wouldn't take this long to clean up