1955 Biller Dock Crane Lift Platform (not exactly a can model)


Oct 2, 2009
NW Indiana
So several months back, I purchased a 1955 Biller Mechanical Dock Crane off Ebay after seeing a Japanese knockoff at a toy show. The thing was in perfect condition, but was missing the lift platform that came with it.

After scouring the internet and Ebay, I found some pics of a complete crane with the platform. I contacted the seller and he gave me the dimensions for the base. I then reverse designed the whole platform and created the pattern from the pictures I had and the two measurements.

The platform had a recessed area to aid in stability, so I created a crude die stamp from dense cardboard (a case from a replacement phone screen).
Here's the prototype.

Final pic is an actual platform for comparison


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Nice addition to the crane! And remember to thank the gentleman that shared the dimensions with you.
With your experience, you could have made if from aluminum flashing. :)
Had a piece of tin and thought it was appropriate for a tin toy... ;)

I don't know why, but I thought you mde it out of psper. Tin is way better. You've really restored it.
I goes to "Michael's Craft Stores", sometimes they give me picture frame board scraps. This stuff is acid free, made to last forever, and some of it is 1mm thick.
I've never seen that stuff before. Great find!! :)