Search results

  1. M

    SSV Normandy

    Thank you very much. Mass Effect was a great game. This is a definite must make. Thanks again.
  2. M

    "Character" Models has some lotr model. Just scroll down the list on the left. Futurama is coming back with the original cast on comedy network.
  3. M

    UHU02 Enterprise

    I've built Makinos Millennium Falcon and am a fan of UHU02s work. I am looking foward to building this model of the Enterprise. Thank you gentlemen for your incredible work.
  4. M

    What are you reading now?

    The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks.
  5. M

    Han Solo's Blaster UHU02

    that is amazing.
  6. M

    Hello everyone

    I've been enjoying paper modeling ever since I stumbled across it a couple of years ago. i am currently finishing up Howls moving castle. Happy modeling everyone.