Search results

  1. N

    Trains on TV

    I noticed this program mentioned while I was flipping channels last night. Also on my channel surfing in the past I found that my Dish Network has a channel called RFDTv (Rural Network). They have two programs about trains on Thursday nights at 7:00 pm EST. The first program (Trackside)...
  2. N

    Right Track Software

    Nick, I had the sameproblem when I first tried to download the program as well. I have an AOL account, but the same problem may effect other mail accounts as well. It seems (on AOL at least) that anyone that uses the e-mail system may report mail from a company they don't recognize as spam...
  3. N

    New Haven HO switcher

    Russ, Thanks for the the note. After looking at the NHRHTA website again it does look like I don't need to be a member. I will probably purchase it from them as opposed to purchasing an undecorated model and I would like to get up and running fairly soon. I just finished benchwork about a...
  4. N

    New Haven HO switcher

    Probably should have mentioned that I am looking for a diesel switcher like SW1200 or something like that.
  5. N

    New Haven HO switcher

    I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get a reliable switcher in HO scale that has the road name New haven in the McGinnis paint scheme. I tried looking on ebay over the last couple of months, but most of the products offered are old, old, old and I am not sure if they will work well...
  6. N

    4x10 Ho Layout (How does it look?)

    All, Thanks for the input and the reassurance to get me started. I started building the base for the plywood this week from left-over wood I bought for building a wall in the basement.:D I should have the legs on and the base and plywood completed by the weekend, hopefully. I have track...
  7. N

    4x10 Ho Layout (How does it look?)

    :wave: Hello, I am new to the-gauge and actually haven't worked on anything for about 15 years. I have a room in the house my wife and I bought that I can use, although I am planning on making the first layout kind of small so I can still do other projects around the house.:cry: The layout...