I agree with Z.... this is Model of the Month material. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I would say it is in the running for Model of the Year too.
hint... hint
we need that category too
https://www.tumblr.com/newobmij is the original website.
The original website shortcut is non operational, but, I finally found it with the wayback machine.
looking at the video... I noticed it has a tricycle type landing gear. With the front gear just behind the neck.
In the screen shot you can see where the gear are located.
Printed 3 times to show comparison far left is printed at "No scale" 100%. Middle one is "shrink to fit" 97% (for me.. you said you get 94%). far right is printed at "custom" 76% to get the size you wanted. 1:2500
the copy i have opens just fine in pep3. i don't have a newer pep program
could not add the arc 100 pdo so i had to compress it into an rar file but this is the pdo that works with pep3
one thing I dont like about P's models... is that he wants you to print all the way to the edge of the page. not all printers can do that now days.
back when he was drawing them most printers could print to the edges... if you knew the settings to use.... but not anymore
please disregard my previous post. was trying to type and was on the phone.
when you klick the custom it will automatically make it print at 100%. you then enter the .76% that you get from dividing 1900 by 2500
then print. this works in adobe.
to make the pdf 1:1900 (from 94%) you would have to turn off the fit to page or shrink to fit. and click custom %.
once you do that enter 80.6 in the custom % box. this will reduce the size to 1:2500 scale. at this point, you just have to hit print
ennder submitted a new resource:
Paragon's USS Enterprise NX-01 Season Five Refit in PDF format - Paragon's USS Enterprise NX-01 Refit PDF
Read more about this resource...
papercarsfan2024 over at PM found this site, and I thought that some here might want to know about it
They have a beautiful 1934 Duesenberg SJ Cabriolet and 3 other models all free.