Recent content by Knighthawk

  1. K

    Ghost Train

    You're entitled to believe whatever you wish. I, however, as his friend KNOW what happened. As far as I'm concerned, I notified you as I was asked, and that's what I felt obligated to do. This will be my final communication on this matter.
  2. K

    Ghost Train

    Sorry to have posted anonymously, it was an honest mistake, as you can imagine, we're all pretty shocked, and upset here. As to my name, I'm in the same situation as Knighhawk...I cannot reveal it, but you can call me Talon. We were as close as brothers, and fought together on many occasions...
  3. K

    Ghost Train

    Knighthawk 1970-2007 It is with a heavy heart that I report the passing on of Knighthawk, a true friend, a brave soldier, and the finest individual that I have ever known. It seems that whatever had attacked him in Romania, and contaminated his blood in the process, had done more damage than...
  4. K

    Ghost Train

    Exactly. I couldnt have put it better myself.
  5. K

    Ghost Train

    Good News/Bad News The good news is that my witness reports that she hasn't seen the two BEKs that were stalking her since I dealt with the ones on my trip, so that case is at least cleared up, and I now have more evidence as to what they possibly are. From what I have seen, it appears that...
  6. K

    Ghost Train

    Hey kf4jqd, yep checked all of that. I've made sure to educate myself on all of the possible causes that could masquerade as ghosts. Thanks for the tip though!
  7. K

    Ghost Train

    Hey kf4jqd, yep checked all of that. I've made sure to educate myself on all of the possible causes that could masquerade as ghosts. Thanks for the tip though!
  8. K

    Ghost Train

    I've thought about it, but there's no way I'm going to get clearance for almost everything I've done. It would make a most thrilling read though.
  9. K

    Ghost Train

    If I were to put a picture of my face into the public domain, I'd be guilty of a violation of The National Secrets Act of Canada, since most of my military career was spent on classified work, otherwise, I'd only be too happy to let you guys see what I look like:D !
  10. K

    Ghost Train

    I can't get a good close up of my eyes, but here is a good representation from a picture in my organization's files.
  11. K

    Ghost Train

    Sorry, lotsa stuff going on right now, not the least of which is my recovery from my injuries. I'll see if I can get Melanie to take a picture for you guys!
  12. K

    Ghost Train

    That would certainly set one heck of a legal precedent, one that I would love to see! I would imagine that a case like that would take years in court, as various experts for both sides argued about what was going on. Although, if the stuff was brought to court, and disappeared from the...
  13. K

    Ghost Train

    If it ended up at my place it would still belong to the estate of the late Mr. Smith, since I would have no bill of sale, and no claim on it, so in essence, since I couldn't satisfactorily explain it in court, it would be the same as if I had stolen it.
  14. K

    Ghost Train

    They're more than welcome to come on over, and stay for as long as they want, since they're not gonna raid the fridgesign1 !
  15. K

    Ghost Train

    That was fast... I contacted Mr. Smith's son this morning about posting pictures of the layout here, and just received an email from the estate lawyer, stating that the family,(by that I assume he means the son), does not want any further publicity on the case. The email went on to say that...