Recent content by dadavejdr

  1. dadavejdr


    :) Thanks ;) Now I really don't have time for papercraft -> school stuff :confused: So next papercraft will be surely Legion (maybe with lights) but not before summer :(
  2. dadavejdr


    Soooo the Scimitair shotgun is complete: Head is placed where it belongs (it was hard work): So he's complete :cool: (maybe the pose is a bit weird) Photo of entire crew:
  3. dadavejdr


    Starting with head...
  4. dadavejdr


    Heh thanks ;) The stuff around head looks very bumpy, I'm a lot scared of head :confused: Anyway hands are done, starting the gun. The Cain nuke is weird for him so i take the shotgun from Tali ME3 by Xenon...
  5. dadavejdr


    I really really don't have much time :cry: Small progress
  6. dadavejdr


    :eek: woow sounds awesome. It's shame that nothing big and awesome like ComicCon is't near my country :cry: Anyway, back to Grunt. Small progress has been made.
  7. dadavejdr


    Another progress. That part was sooooo tricky :cry: But it's done :mrgreen: body is almost finished..
  8. dadavejdr


    Thanks :mrgreen: Well, another progress...
  9. dadavejdr


    Another progress... body is almost finished, It's a bit tricky but i'm handling it well, I hope...
  10. dadavejdr


    Thanks to all :thumb: Sorry for that long time with no progress, i was a bit busy :cry: But now I'm back in business :mrgreen:
  11. dadavejdr


    Thanks :mrgreen: Don't have much time for papercraft :cry: must do a lot of other stuff Anyway little progress - legs are fixed together and starting the body...
  12. dadavejdr


    Thanks :thumb: legs are done :mrgreen: now let's start with body...
  13. dadavejdr


    Knee stuff is almost finished...:rolleyes:
  14. dadavejdr


    A little more progress...
  15. dadavejdr


    So, after finishing Rainbow Dash I'm ready to build this guy. :mrgreen: Model is in same scale as other ME figures from Xenon. This one is created by Daishi. Starting with legs...