VF-1 Valkyrie

I want you to have my paper babies.

Oh now that's priceless.

I second that notion. I built plastic models of the Veritech when I was a kid Hasagawa made them. These are 1000 times better (hoping easier to build .. ?) but I'll gladley build them anyway .. when they come out.

Guardian/Gerwalk mode is my favorite by the way..hehehe
Oh now that's priceless.

I second that notion. I built plastic models of the Veritech when I was a kid Hasagawa made them. These are 1000 times better (hoping easier to build .. ?) but I'll gladley build them anyway .. when they come out.

Guardian/Gerwalk mode is my favorite by the way..hehehe

The Hasagawa kits are great and not bad on price either but they are usually out of stock and don't get re-released too often :(

These are easy to build.

The toughest parts to make I'ld say are,

1) The A Type head by far (not too bad but can be tricky in the back)
2) The moveable joints for the upper arm (tricky to glue but I'll make a tutorial on those)
3) the head guns and the Gu-11 Gunpod (only hard for those who hate rolling tiny tubes)

I haven't tackled the Striker Cannons yet so the jury's still out there. I'm thinking bout giving it a shot today but no promises with my gimp hand :p

BTW, Gerwalk is my fav to ;) Best of both worlds.

Lol yep Gerwalk is the mutts Nuts, add a super pack in there and ur set :)
You know what would make a great stand? The launch arm from DYRL with the launch bay doorway as the base.

I love that movie, there are some really interesting bits in there that you wouldn't notice normally. In one missile launch scene a can of Coca Cola stands in for a missile and in one battle scene a Zentradei gets his head stomped and you get to see his brains squish out.:eek: Eeeeew.
You found those too?!!!! I thought I was the only one to have come across those while watching that years ago!

I agree tho, the arm would be awesome! I have that on DVD, maybe I can get some screen caps of it. That beginning scene is pretty dark tho, might be hard to isolate. Hmmmmm.........Another mini project I don't have time for!:cry:
Getter1, you should definitely go watch Macross :) Watch it in japanese with subs too, as the dub leaves out soooooo much. Robotech really dumbed down the storyline too, I've watched some of it, and immediately wished i was watching the original hehe..

Now I've got the original operatic Japanese theme tune in my head haha..
Yes, definitely better in Japanese with sub-titles :mrgreen:

Getter1, I re-read the thread but missed the launch arm. I know I've mentioned it someplace but didn't see it there :razz: Oh well, not important anyways.

I want to see the original Macross but I do love Robotech for what it was :D It was what got me hooked on robots and I will always love it :p I can see it as a seperate show entirely in my mind. Now Southern Cross is also a show I want to see the original of, gotta love those Hovertanks :D

Download will be avaliable soon, just have to get the info to Janx so he can tidy up the pages so wait a little longer ;)


Hello All,

The hand recovery has progressed enough that I am able to do some buildin :D

Can't do too much at a time but I can build :D

Below is a pic of the Striker Cannon in progress. Also pics of the healing wound on the middle finger and last a shot of my current range of motion :( That's actually bout 200% improvement over a couple days :p

I'm gettin there :p

OK my sick, twisted self had to toss in a pic of the wound after the cast was removed and before I cleared off the cake of dead skin and the gnarly wound.



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:p Sorry bout that, I had to do it :p What am I saying??? I'm not sorry at all :p

That large scab is where I got cut open by the machine. The zig-zag under the the Steri-strips is where the doctor had to cut me open to find my nerve that snapped back like a rubber band when a piece was ripped out :( There's a tube (nerve conduit) connecting the 2 ends so they can grow back together. That can take up to 18 months :( In the mean time my feeling and touch sensation on that side is all screwed up.

Got a bit more done on the Cannons since last post. All I need to do now is make the cannon barrels. A bit sloppy but I'm doing waht I can :p



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Wow, that picture almost gave me Déja vu Getter.
I did a very similar injury to the very same finger, same hand, same side of the finger. Pretty similar bloody mess too haha..

I fractured my finger in a couple of places at the same time too though, so it's been a bit crooked ever since. Don't worry about the range of motion, that will return in time. Keep up the physio though! can't stress that enough!