What's Your Winter Goals?


Active Member
Nov 8, 2001
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Since winter is upon us what are your winter project goals?
Here's mine.
Finish all three club buildings.
Add 2 locomotives lettered for my Huron River Ry.
Finish three C&HV cars.
Clean and service all locomotives before the Spring round of open houses.

What's in your wallet?
On Thanksgiving Day, I tried to run trains for my 6 year-old grandson, it's been a few months since I started the reconstruction project and haven't run trains since. Half my tracks are torn up and the other half are too dirty thanks to my tearing things up and creating a lot of dust in the process.:eek: Needless to say, we didn't run trains.:cry: I promised my grandson that we would be able to run trains on Christmas, and 6 year-olds don't forget a promise like that.:mrgreen:

My goal is at a minimum to get my trackwork back in shape and completed before Christmas and to be able to do some switching for my grandson.... OK, and for me too.:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Sometimes I just feel lucky to have time to work on anything model related. So, I don't want to make too strong of goals. I've got a bunch of projects I would like to make progress on, and I would like to start on a new layout. But if I don't get time to get those things done, I shouldn't feel too disappointed.

My goals? Let's see...
1.Finish Brick Building (Cornerstone Gold Ribbion series "Midtown Apliance Sales and Service)
2. Get my old Accurail boxcar into service
and my last one:
3. get a steam engine
This last one is only a possibility, although my parents have been talking about getting me one as my 'big' gift this year:mrgreen:
My goals this winter are to:
1) Get the track laid down permanently. I like the trackplan now (thanks to Loren, Brakie and others). It is ready to spike.
2) Figure out this *%&^&*( block wiring..wall1
3) Actually start scenicking the thing...
4) Start posting pics...after all we all know that...:needpics:

5) GET RID OF THOSE %$^&* ATLAS TURNOUTS....suggestions???
6) Quit changing my mind on what I want to do sign1... NOTE - #5 is all y'all's fault. I keep seeing such fantastic layouts and ideas, I can't make up my mind!!!!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
I need to start the Gauge Winter Party Kitbash project! I'd also like to improve some scenary that used to be "good enough" but now isn't. Oh, and I need to replace my second power pack which died so
I can run two trains at different speeds and directions again.
Finish laying all the track so I can have continuous runing. I am very close, probably 5/8 of the way done if not more, but I need 2 micro engineering bridges to cross the Cloquet River on the mainline. like I said I am very close.
I've got a couple buildings that I should finish, especially the sawmill that I've been posting about in the logging forum.
I also have a few projects that I've promised myself that I'd finish before I start anything new:
1) My MDC HOn3 shay rebuild
2) finish wiring my HOn3 logging layout
3) finish decalling my Central Valley Stock car thats been in my projects drawer for 5 years.

My plans depend upon when the two #6 and three #5 turnouts I ordered in Sept show up from Walthers. In the meantime, pretty much build the scenery and structures that I do not have to reach over to get to the tracks, so:

- Finish quay wall since it is recessed in the harbor (Carved and placed. Awaiting painting, fenders, and scuppers.)
- Repair about 3' of grass on north wall damaged during cleaning frenzy for family visit (done)

- Finish Gantry crane and its track
- Finish trees on north and east walls (maybe a few bushes too)
- Finish painting and stenciling two GP38-2's and one Dash 8-40B in P&W colors
- Work on Freight and Fruit Terminals
- Maybe add DCC with sound to three lucky P&W engines

- Work on Freight and Fruit Terminals
- Work on Stone and Gravel structures
- Work on Warehouse structures

- Putter around based on work schedule which usually picks up

Mine is to work on my portable layout outside, in the warm summer sun, perhaps take a cool swim in the water.

thats right madhatter your summer is just starting in south africa and we get to get ready for the cold. After a hot summer in Uk (thats upper kansas):rolleyes: im ready for some colder weather.:mrgreen:
1. Finish the little bit of trackwork that is left
2. Complete the wiring, including connecting the building lights
3. Paint and letter a couple of dozen cars with my freelance name
4. Complete the last dozen building kits that have been setting around gathering dust.
5. Relax and run the trains for a while before I start any more projects!
Hopefully by the end of the December I'll have:

1) Finish the helix to get the two levels connected

and possibly or by January:

2) Finish building all my industry buildings so I can get a "final" track plan in place.

Once that is done, the next phase will be turnout control and signal system.

That's my goals for now. There's plenty more ideas swimming in the head but I don't wanna rush anything. I've got plenty years left in this house, and our first baby on the way in February kinda has a financial effect too on ye old "train budget" :)