Photo Fun Week of 06/09/07

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Okay, a switcher:

Same switcher, different day:

Wayne :mrgreen:
Great pics everyone...!! Too many too good to name all or single any one out..!!
Since switchers seem to be the going thing this week...Here's one in the hot New Mexico desert...

Have a great day everyone...! :thumb:


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Wow, these are all great photos! I'd like to share some pics of my P2K SD9, which I have recently installed Warm white LED's. I love them!




hey deano---excellent looking locomotives,but in all honesty,i'd pass on the X's---they kind of remind me of an obsessive compulsive grafitti artist gone wild---but what do i know :confused: :confused: :confused:
Kurt, NICE switcher:thumb:

Tom, NICE SHOTS!:thumb:

nutbar, AWESOME looking switcher:thumb: , GREAT detail on it:winki: .

Wayne & Gus, FANTASTIC looking steamer switchers:thumb:
mtrails, WOW!:eeki: what a way to start out your FIRST post:thumb: .:welcome1:
GREAT looking SD9:thumb:

tomkat, NICE JOB on the weathering on that switcher & caboose:thumb:


Well, i guess we "kinda" have a theme going this week, post your switchers:winki: :mrgreen: . BUT REMEMBER, you can post ANY of your work, models or prototypical pics, as long as YOU took the pics:thumb: :mrgreen: .

ALSO, I would like to THANK TrainNut, Kurt, Ralph, nutbar and Mark for participating in my "Keep the white reflective X's on/or take them off my Milwaukee Road FM H10-44 switcher" VOTE :smilie: . THANKS GUYS!:thumb: :mrgreen: . I AM keeping the vote going for the next couple days:winki:, so PLEASE, voice YOUR "VOTE" on it, YOUR VOTES COUNT:thumb: :smilie: .


:deano: -Deano
Since the "unofficial" side lined theme of this weeks Photo Fun thread seems to be "switchers" , here is a project i am working on:winki: (project #129 of 5000:119: ).

Union Pacific bought their FIRST Fairbanks-Morse engine in May of 1945. the engine was an H10-44 Builder #L1004, UP #DS1300:mrgreen: . I bought this Cary shell(now owned by Bowser) to make this engine about 2yrs ago, i painted it & got this far with it before a NEWER project came along:toug: . ANYWAYS, this thread has inspired me to take it out, and start working on finishing this project:thumb:. i have everything i need to finish it, so I'm going to take a break from working on my layout to do it:winki: ....lets hope another NEW project doesn't come along so i can finish it:119: . :deano: -Deano
Great photos, everybody!!:thumb::thumb: And welcome to the Gauge, mtrails. :wave:
Dean, what mechanism are you going to put under that neat-looking body shell? All that weight should make it a real solid puller.
As for the Xs, I'm not real nuts about them, but they are prototypical, so either way would work for me. What if you were to put them on only one side of the loco? There are none on the endsills, so anybody viewing, with only one side visible at a time, would assume the hidden side to be the same as the side in view. If you were doing two switchers, you could do Xs on the left of one and on the right of the other, giving you a version of each heading in either direction for photos.

...What if you were to put them on only one side of the loco? There are none on the endsills, so anybody viewing, with only one side visible at a time, would assume the hidden side to be the same as the side in view.
Wayne:wav: , i had seriously considered doing just as you mentioned here:thumb: . i decided to put it up as a "vote" just to see how many people really DO like the white reflective X's, and to see just how many DON'T like them, to be honest, i am up in the air on it myself:119: . on one hand i like it because its prototypical & "different", and those of you that know me know i like "odd & unusual":119: , on the other hand, i also like the "clean" look of the engine(by clean, i don't mean unweathered:toug: ), so i could go either way:winki: . as it stands RIGHT NOW, i have 4= YES KEEP THE STRIPES, and 2= NO, I DON'T LIKE THEM(i put you under the "no i don't like them" vote). i think i will wait till the end of the week to see what more folks think about it:winki: .

As far as what is going under the Cary shell, they called for an Athearn SW1200, so thats what i got. i have very little paint work left, i had done most of it 2yrs ago, really its just a matter of putting it together, decaling and detailing it:thumb: .

Wayne, THANK YOU for your "vote":thumb: , and the interest in the Cary shell FM H10-44:thumb:. :deano: -Deano
Wayne...beautiful engines!!
tomkat...great scenes!!
Kurt...I know you have enough to do but.....I, for one, would love to see that diorama finished!!! Your eye for color and aesthetics is clearly evident....just a thought:winker:
CNJ999...sweet scene
Ralph, Herc, Mark, nutbar...awesome engine pics!
Tom...great pics!
Gus...I love that spot on your layout!!!
Hope I got everybody....
Now for Deano...
My 2 cents: I think the engine "looks better" without the x's....but in this case that is outweighed by the eye-catching uniqueness of having them. They could be considered a distraction or a reason to look closer at that engine...I prefer the latter:winker:

Great switchers everybody:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:
As I have revisited the forum, I do not see my post, but aparently everyone else has? I used the quick reply when I posted the pics... could this by why?

Today on the still under-construction layout, we find CNW F3 4056 resting on a siding, but shouldn't she be working the Prarie Mill siding? No work will get done because the F3 is the only engine on the railroad layout!:eek:...

...Or was it? Deano, I hope you don't mind if I take your RS-32...sign1

Here's another shot of the new power on the railroad:mrgreen:
2-8-2 USRA Heavy Mikado


This is my newest addition, a BLI Heavy 2-8-2. Its an impressive runner and the sound is amazing now that I fixed a backwards wheelset and lubricated the running gear. In the background is my old but reliable Bachmann GS4 Northern.
Jeremy:wav: , Hmm, i am puzzled by this:confused: . the next time you post, DO NOT use quick reply, go to the bottom of the page, look to the left, hit the reply button and reply like that, see if that solves it:smilie: .

Steve!:mrgreen: , THANK YOU for your "vote" :thumb: . NICE PIC!:thumb: your steamer looks GREAT!:mrgreen:

CNWman, GLAD to see you got an RS32!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb::mrgreen: VERY NICE engines:winki: . if you ever wanted to make #4242 like the prototype, just a few adjustments and parts will do it:winki: . move the horns behind the cab, put a rotating beacon to the rear of the cab roof, place a Sinclair antenna at the front center of the cab roof, put "all weather windows" on it, coupler cut bars, hoses, paint the leading railings white, and add a plow to the front:thumb: .(#4241 was identical to #4242 except it DID NOT have all weather windows) CNW's #4242's "other" two "sisters" #4247 & #4248 looked the same, except they had firecracker antennas on them(mounted in the same place as the Sinclair), and NO plow:winki: .

Twiget, NICE STEAM SWITCHER!!!:thumb::mrgreen:

Kanawha, FANTASTIC LOOKING 2-8-2!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb::mrgreen: BLI makes AWESOME ENGINES!:winki: :mrgreen:

KEEP 'EM COMING FOLKS!!!:thumb: :deano: -Deano
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