Greetings from Argentina.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2019
Hello everyone. Thank you for accepting me. At the end of 2011 looking for something that would help me overcome a difficult time I discovered modeling on paper. My first models were Zio designs. I love it and for me it is much more than a hobby, it is a kind of therapy. In my youth I made naval modeling in wood based planes. Planes, tanks, is what I build mainly, although I built everything. I do not have the extraordinary level of many but my models at least look decent. My best works are the tanks of WoT, I achieve very good results with them. With the planes lately I feel saturated, and I am about to try with science fiction, a subject that I love but I do not know why I never built anything. experts in this topic. This is something of my story, I hope to be useful, share, learn and enjoy pleasant moments here. Greetings and thanks. Excuse me, I only speak Spanish and I am in the hands of the translator.
Hello and welcome to Zealot!

We are happy to have you here. We have many members from South America. The translator you use is working great. Please continue. You even may write in Spanish and add the English translation in the same post; a German member does this with tremendous success (she writes in German instead, of course ;) ).

As for science fiction topics: The "rules of papercrafting" apply to any paper kit. A sci-fi model is no exception. If you know how to assemble a model and how to use your tools you are ready to start making your first own spaceship. Just choose something you like and something which is not too difficult.

Shunichi Makino's models could be interesting:
or Martin Saenger's:
or the models from the Lower Hudson Valley :)

I'd love to see some pictures of your previous models. Please feel free to post them here; this is the right place to do so and to get to know you better.

If you have any questions or problems don't hesitate to ask. We have a great helpful community. And mostly:

Have fun and enjoy! :)


Hola y bienvenidos a Zealot!

Estamos contentos de tenerte aquí. Tenemos muchos miembros de América del Sur. El traductor que usted utiliza está funcionando muy bien. Por favor, continúe. Incluso puedes escribir en español y añadir la traducción al inglés en el mismo post; un miembro alemán lo hace con mucho éxito (escribe en alemán en su lugar, por supuesto ) ;).

En cuanto a los temas de ciencia ficción: Las "reglas de la fabricación de papel" se aplican a cualquier kit de papel. Un modelo de ciencia ficción no es una excepción. Si sabes cómo montar un modelo y cómo usar tus herramientas, estás listo para empezar a hacer tu primera nave espacial. Sólo tienes que elegir algo que te guste y algo que no sea demasiado difícil.

Los modelos de Shunichi Makino podrían ser interesantes:
o de Martin Saenger:
o los modelos del Valle del Bajo Hudson :)

Me encantaría ver algunas fotos de tus modelos anteriores. Por favor, siéntase libre de publicarlas aquí; este es el lugar adecuado para hacerlo y para conocerle mejor.

Si tienes alguna pregunta o problema, no dudes en preguntar. Tenemos una comunidad muy útil. Y sobre todo:

Diviértete y disfruta! :)

(Traducción realizada con el traductor ;) )
Muchas gracias por la bienvenida y los enlaces Revell-Fan.Time back Me divertí mucho construyendo varios Deformed-craft, mis sobrinos lo pasaron muy bien simulando luchas con estos simpáticos modelos. He visto que en este hilo puedo publicar fotos de mis construcciones anteriores. No tienen el informe de construcción, aunque todos estaban bien detallados, pero al tener que liberar la memoria tuve que borrar y dejar solo las fotos finales. Considero que estos informes son algo fundamental, al ver cómo otros se acumulan y la calidad se mejora de una manera sorprendente. Y para alguien que acaba de empezar, son una ayuda inestimable. Gracias a Rhaven Blaack, sin su ayuda, él todavía estaría intentando registrarme, la computadora y yo no somos muy buenos amigos.
Mis construcciones de WoT. Sin lugar a dudas, estos diseños son mis mejores trabajos, la calidad de estos diseños es excelente, todo encaja a la perfección, incluso en las piezas más pequeñas, siempre opto por la versión detallada y agrego algunos detalles adicionales. Tengo muchas fotos, subiré 5 de cada modelo para apreciar algo. Usted me dirá si es correcto o cómo debo proceder.

Thank you very much for the welcome and links Revell-Fan.Time back I had a lot of fun building several Deformed-craft, my nephews had a great time simulating fights with these nice models. I have seen that in this thread I can post photos of my previous constructions. They do not have the construction report, although all were well detailed, but having to release the memory I had to delete and leave only the final photos. I think these reports are fundamental, seeing how others accumulate and the quality is improved in a surprising way. And for someone who has just started, they are an invaluable help. Thanks to Rhaven Blaack, without his help, he would still be trying to register me, the computer and I are not very good friends. My WoT constructions. Without a doubt, these designs are my best works, the quality of these designs is excellent, everything fits perfectly, even in the smallest pieces, I always opt for the detailed version and add some additional details. I have many photos, I will upload 5 of each model to appreciate something. You will tell me if it is correct or how I should proceed.
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Hello Dagger,

I am glad to see that you decided to join. As for helping you with your account, you are more than welcome! I would like to ask, that if you make a post in Spanish, that you post it in English as well. Like @Revell-Fan mention, GOOGLE TRANSLATE is your friend. I did add the English translation to your last post.

I too would like to see some of the models that you have already built. We love seeing photos!

You have come to the right place for all things SCI-FI! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, we can (and are willing) to help you with all that we can (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here. I loo forward to seeing your work.

Hola daga
Me alegra ver que decidiste unirte. En cuanto a ayudarte con tu cuenta, ¡eres más que bienvenido! Me gustaría preguntar, que si hace una publicación en español, que también la publique en inglés. Al igual que @ Revell-Fan, GOOGLE TRANSLATE es tu amigo. Agregué la traducción al inglés a tu última publicación.
También me gustaría ver algunos de los modelos que ya ha construido. ¡Nos encanta ver fotos!
¡Has venido al lugar correcto para todas las cosas, SCI-FI! Si tiene alguna pregunta, comentario o inquietud, podemos (y estamos dispuestos) a ayudarlo con todo lo que podamos (o al menos señalarle la dirección correcta).
Una vez más, bienvenidos a bordo. Espero que te diviertas aquí. Me muero de ganas de ver tu trabajo.
Thank you very much. Then something wrong with the translator. First model: M53 / 55 WoT. This model was the first WoT I built, and I made a simple diorama.
20180310_221605.jpg 20180310_221556.jpg 20180310_221615.jpg 20180310_220932.jpg 20180310_220917.jpg 20180328_220244.jpg 20180328_220323.jpg 20180328_220406.jpg 20180328_220219.jpg 20180328_220017.jpg
If this works I'll show you several more, I'm trying to find it back. Uploading photos seems easy, the translator baffles me, I enter the translator, I write the text in Spanish, then I copy it already translated and I paste it to the post. I do not know what happened in the previous publication.
Your diorama looks very good! Very precise and clean work. :)
20180615_192242.jpg 20180615_192218.jpg 20180615_192204.jpg 20180615_192142.jpg 20180615_192120.jpg 20180615_192106.jpg 20180615_192051.jpg 20180615_192038.jpg 20180615_191936.jpg Thank you very much! Another of my WoT, the T-44-100.This model is very colorful and apart from enjoying it, it gave me an extra joy, it was chosen for the photo of the week in a Spanish speaking forum where I registered One year approximately. I do not know if he deserves it, the forum is very quiet and there were not many models to choose from.
The models look very clear, crisp, and clean. You did a great job on them. The diorama looks great as well!!
Thank you very much for sharing these with us!
20180729_191141.jpg 20180729_191129.jpg 20180729_190527.jpg 20180729_190314.jpg 20180729_182739.jpg Muchas gracias! Otro par de WoT.Tiger y Mark 1, otros estupendos diseños.Con el Mark1 cometi infinidad de errores, todos en el bastidor de la cola de dirección, pude corregirlos sin reimprimir.
Thank you very much !! Another pair of WoT.Tiger and Mark 1, other great designs. With the Mark1 I made countless mistakes, all in the frame of the tail of direction, I could correct them without reprinting.
20180427_184129.jpg 20180427_184116.jpg 20180427_184102.jpg 20180427_184036.jpg


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Y para terminar la presentación, o ser extenso, el Me-262 de Gerard Methorst, quien es muy cordial conmigo.Revisando mis archivos descubrí que algunos modelos todavía conservamos el proceso de construcción.Si es correcto y ustedes lo autorizan podria publicar .Creo que Serian interesantes and quizas a alguien podría servirle de guia o algo asi.Muchas gracias.

And to finish the presentation, it would be very extensive, the Me-262 of Gerard Methorst, who is very cordial with me. Checking my files I discovered that of some models I still have the construction process. If it is correct and you authorize it, you could publish them I think they would be interesting and maybe someone could be a guide or something like that. Thank you very much.
20180506_083226.jpg 20180506_083037.jpg 20180506_083025.jpg 20180506_083013.jpg 20180506_083001.jpg 20180506_082950.jpg 20180506_082900.jpg 20180506_082844.jpg
Wow!! Really nice workmanship!! You'll love Sci-Fi! Thanks for posting an "Introduction". You have quite a collection of great models there. Welcome to Zealot! :)
Rhaven Blaack, Revell-Fan, zatrhos, muchas gracias por la bienvenida y los comentarios. Comente que con los diseños WoT logro buenos resultados. El más complicado que construi, hace unos meses, lo públicare con el proceso de contrucción, esta bien detallado y bastante extenso.Con los diseños de Gerard también me llevo bien (llevo 7 construidos) no son sencillos y dan una interesante batalla y son muy agradables.Veo aquí muchos expertos en ciencia-ficción, fantasticas construcciones. Quizas la proxima semana vaya a la tienda a imprimir algo y comenzar en esta categoria. Sera algo nuevo, nunca construi nada aunque soy fanatico, veo toda la pelicula y seri que ande por ahi.Se que no fracasare, pienso que es similar, cortar, doblar y pegar .Saludos y gracias.

Rhaven Blaack, Revell-Fan, zatrhos, thank you very much for the welcome and the comments. Comes with the WoT designs I get along very well and achieve, according to my opinion, good results. The more complicated that I built a few months ago I will publish it with the construction process, is well detailed and is quite extensive. Gerard designs I also get along (I've built 7) are not simple and give an interesting battle and are very nice. I see many experts in science fiction, fantastic constructions Maybe next week I'll go to the store to print something and start in this category. It was something new, I never built anything even though I'm a fan, I see any movie that goes around. I know I will not fail, I think it's similar, cut, fold and paste. Greetings and thanks.
WOW!!! Miss a couple days and Dagger post some beautiful builds!! They are VERY NICE... Nice touch on the Mark I with the camouflage netting!
Oh yeah... Welcome to Zealot! Please share a build thread so others can gain by your examples! If you need help or have questions, Please Just ask!
Good to have you here!
Welcome! I enjoy seeing your work, and appreciate the feedback you have given!
Y para terminar la presentación, o ser extenso, el Me-262 de Gerard Methorst, quien es muy cordial conmigo.Revisando mis archivos descubrí que algunos modelos todavía conservamos el proceso de construcción.Si es correcto y ustedes lo autorizan podria publicar .Creo que Serian interesantes and quizas a alguien podría servirle de guia o algo asi.Muchas gracias.

And to finish the presentation, it would be very extensive, the Me-262 of Gerard Methorst, who is very cordial with me. Checking my files I discovered that of some models I still have the construction process. If it is correct and you authorize it, you could publish them I think they would be interesting and maybe someone could be a guide or something like that. Thank you very much.
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