what is a normal holiday?


Jan 13, 2002
zeeland michigan
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my qustion is what is a normal holiday?

is it getting up to the patter of little feet ready to see what sants brought them in the night ?

is it getting everyone loaded in a car to go have a feast for dinner with family?

or is it the time spent with friends and family rejoysing ?

the answer will differ from one to another but their is no true answer to a normal holiday.

my family had never had a normal holiday with my dissabled son how can't enjoy the ripping of the paper him self of he would be in the hospital on the big day.

the family comming together for dinner and all that is talked about is my boys health.

as the time passed we grew to look passed it all looked passed it is just another day.

we would gor shopping. spend the money we need it for gas in the car to get to the hospital.

but this year is different as our loving son is spending his frist holiday in heaven .

we thought to ourselfs lets have a nice holiday this year. but every time we turn we are shown this is not a normal holiday.

our holidays are full of worrie and sadness.not joy and happyness.

we try to show the happy side of our self but the family tells us to put the greif off until after the holidays be happy.

their is no more happyness when it comes to the holidays when you lossed a loved one so close. you put on a face of happyness for everyone to see .

but deep down you crying with tears of sarrow

thire is no house with lights or a big tree or even a feast for a meal. their is no normal holiday here this year.

but their is the joy to know that no matter how long it has been sence the passing of your loved one they are their with you on your holiday.