Well Currect pics of my layout


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
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Well, at least you have something to run trains, I have to borrow some older brown unitrack from a neighbor/friend down the street so I can just keep my motive power and rolling stock clickety clacking down the tracks...

I'm trying to get my layout started but it's sort of tough when you are sick as heck and trying to clear out the room of all the junk... still need to take the televisions (2) down to goodwill or something and then it will be about 85% cleared out, then the rest to do is put it all in storage after I get it all boxed up.

11'x10' room, no place to lay the track out on the floor yet, but will have within the month. Hope to get it rolling and the bench waork started as soon as I can figure out how to make it light weight and portable, without giving up strength.