Tunnel Motors on the BN High Prairie Sub!!


Jun 15, 2003
Cheyenne, WY
Thanks much!
I am an autorack junkie!

As for the sawmill, I wanted to make it look as beaten, unmaintained and weathered as possible. I drybrushed, rather heavily, atop the molded red sawmill sides a coat of Grimy Black, and left just enough red showing to give the appearance of weathered wood construction, minus paint.
The roof was no-brainer: drybrushed Polly Scale Rust and a wash of 10:1 thinner and engine black. The powerhouse has some GN Omaha Orange highlighted among the treatment the roof on the mill recieved. The Capitol Lumber co. (an actual lumber supplier in Cheyenne) is airbrushed a cream color, Polly Scale sand or dust. The insides were painted using a spray bomb of primer brown. The decals were applied, glosscoated, dullcoated, and scraped very gently using a #11 blade to simulate a weathered sign, the paint falling off. The building was again dullcoated after a wash of the 10:1 mix, and called done.