SS KRAKOW in 1:400 scale by JSC No. 42


Jan 31, 2004
Ah, that. I can't do much better than Janusz's KOSHCHOOSHKO -- maybe to break it up as Kosh-choosh-koh, with the stress on the "choosh".


Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Madison, MS
Hey Simon.............I have to pass on the Polish........It's all I can do to pronounce English well enough for everyone else to understand me! :D

It's an American thing...............everyone up north talks really really fast...........the midwest has the best pronouncation..........most news reporters are from there. The west coast has it's on very unique sounds all mixed up with the different cultures located there.............and then there is the beautiful language that spoken in the southern part of the nation......of couse I'm a little partial on that! :D

We talk s l o w and usually don't say too much. This makes most people think that we are a little on the dumb side. But we like it that way because it kind of keeps the place to ourselves!

Besides it is really really nice to hear a beautiful southern lady speak. Man........ that can get your attention quicker than anything!! :shock: :D

So I'll let "you guys" (we say y'all) handle all those hard languages.........I'll just sit back........ relax........drink my cold beverage........ and listen and learn some great modeling tips! :D :D



Jan 31, 2004
I wouldn't worry about it. I know plenty of Brits and Americans who have been living abroad for years and haven't learned the local language. Why bother, when you can get by in English? Of course, some of them will go back and make fun of immigrants who don't bother to learn English in the States...

Anyways, this is getting a bit too far off topic, so I'm going to quit writing about linguistic quirks and just follow Jim's build. BTW, Jim, got any new pictures?

Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Hi, Simon! :D

Although I was able to sneak in a few hours building last night, I fell short of time to take photos...I hope to continue tonight and will try to take a few photos for posting.

Thanks for asking! :wink:

BTW, does anyone know of any photos of this vessel, the S.S. KRAKOW, I mean, so I can check out some details not apparent from the kit? Any leads or suggestions would be very much appreciated. :D




Active Member
Jan 17, 2004
Bristol, UK
Well I only speak English, being a proper Brit. But I only have to travel three miles to be amongst other 'English' people, who I can barely understand when they speak! An as cuz dey da speek 'Bristle', see? An cuz I livd yer fer mor'na few yers, (eyes frum Baff, see) Icun sor'a speek liyk wot deyda doo. Yooonly go'a get ona bus, an lisn wiv yer yers, an yoocan yer alsorts a fings. Frinstans, Iyerd a woman ask er mate a kweschun, like. 'Ow's yer back nen, Shirl?' shesed. 'O, I stiw got'n, Mave, anis gim me reel jip.'

Anyone care to translate?

The Queens English? Hardly! But just remember, William Shakespeare would have spoken with the thickest Brummie accent you could ever imagine!!

It is what people say that matters, not how they say it!

Tim P


Jan 16, 2004
Anyone care to translate?
Not sure if any of them roll their "r"s quite like you do though Tim.

We may have to recycle you under jokes and other funny things.
(great build though)

I take no responsibility for any material anyone may find offensive on any of the sites linked to the above whilst claiming total credit for any enjoyment derived.

Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Well, back to the build.... :lol:

Seriously, it's been like a little party here, and I like that! It's all about having fun and I'm glad we are doing just that.

I did a bit more yesterday and now tonight, but didn't have a chance to take any updates until tonight...sorry about that, gang. :roll:

I worked on the midship house, using the cowl vents I made in different sizes based on the kit parts. The midshiphouse is essentially done, save for a few more details I will add later. I used silk thread on the stack for the stays, but could have done a better job with the belaying points on the deck areas. I then added the cargo hatches both fore and aft of the house. I decided to add a little enhancement to the hatch covers, using a bit of silk thread to give the subtle impression of the type of lashing that was commonly used in the days of this steamer to help hold down the hatch tarplins. There should also be a bit of a coaming along the outter edges, just below the canvas covers (portrayed on this model as green), but I didn't think all that effort would really have been all that noticeable weighed with the time and effort this little diversion build would have entailed to add them...yeah, I plain got lazy. :D

Anyway, the major parts are now done, just the various details to be installed here and there, and then the cargo booms and the rigging. I can't emphasize enough how fun this little guy is to build, a nice little bonus to the Kosciuszko kit...however it's pronounced. :lol:

So, here are some shots of what I've completed thus far. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have building her to this point. How am I doing on the clutter issue with these photos, Simon? :wink: All kidding aside, I hope my editing is showing some improvement. I also fell onto a different way of processing the photos using my Photoshop Elements software which I think gives me the ability to make sharper photos, more definition, but using a smaller photo least I hope they appear to be better photos. :roll:

I was hoping someone would have come across a photo or some other picture/diagram/painting of this Krakow so I could see if other things need to be added that the kit does not show...there's still time if anyone (ah, Maurice? :twisted: ) comes up with something.

Thanks for watching! :D




Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Madison, MS
Dang.......... We is having fun!

Love the new that thing is REALLY small! Or that's some kind of giant tweaser! :shock:
I know 1/400 is small.........but that really does put it in perspective. :D

You guys amaze me with the small...great looking builds! Between you with this 1/400 and Rob and his 1/50 scale planes.....geez! :D

Me thinks I started this hobby when I am too old! 8)

Thanks for sharing Jim!


Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Thanks, John! :D

Now don't be talking to me about being too're still younger than me. :wink: Age is in the heart, my friend, at least that's the lie I living by. :lol:

I hope you try one of these little's not all that involved like the larger scales can be, and loads of fun...just like Rob's superb airplane builds at 1:50 scale.

Hopefully more tomorrow...glad you enjoyed the pics!



Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Thank you very much, Darwin and Barry! :D I appreciate the feedback very much.

Barry, thanks, mate, I really hated those 2D funnels, they would have stuck out like sore thumbs, don't you think?

Here's a further update for today...I added the ground tackle (anchor windlass), cargo winches, cargo hold access hatches and the fantail hatchways, as well as the rest of the cowl vents. I tried to spruce up the anchor windlass a bit (added a clutch and brake), used some chain for the anchor chain and added a little control handle to the cargo winches. Just little things but they seem to add some interest to what was essentially just a tubular assembly sitting on a base. :D Hopefully this stuff shows up in the photos. :roll:

I figure the next thing up are the life boat stations, then on to the cargo masts and booms...then Barry's favorite, the railings. :wink:

Thanks again for watching, gang!



Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
And just a few more...hopefully the bow close-up shows what I was talking about. :roll: Ooops...looks like the after cowl vent took a header whilst taking the pictures...gotta fix that! :roll:

Hope to get to the next step later, but we'll see....



Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Just a few more before I turn in for the night. :D

I decided to work on some things off the model, like the life boats and such, but I also installed some of the railings. I cheated this time, using photo-etched rails, just had to try them and this seemed like a good candidate to use would have been more than a diversion project if I used my usual method building them up using thread and the rail jig I had used on the Mexico Victory a while back. Anyway...they seem to work well, you just can't adjust the spacing to match the model like the custom railings, but this spacing seemed to fit the bill for the most part. I think I still have to custom make the railings for the ladders, which I started, but it's a long, slow process so they won't be ready for a while.

In the meantime, this is were I stand now. I fixed that lop-sided cowl vent aft :roll: , and installed a few railings in the forward section of the hull. I will probably also have to put some railings on top of the pilot house.

Well, that's about it for this time around. More later....



Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
And so it goes.... :D

I hate it when I miss something so elemental as making sure the rails match up with the ladders. :roll: That's what happened at the bow (the opening lead the ladders to partly on top of the hatches!), so I had to redo the bow railings. I also started on the cargo masts, and was able to get the forward mast installed...just the hint of a cargo ship is beginning to show. I finished the ladders leading to the forecastle and installed was a slow process, but better than a rail-less ladder, I figured.

Anyway, these photos show what I've done so far to the forward area. Once I figure out the cargo boom rigging arrangement I can start with the cargo booms. Still, it's a fun kit to play around with and is going together fairly quickly.

Thanks for watching, guys. :D




Active Member
Jan 28, 2004
Brighton Uk

Nearly missed this one I still find it difficult to believe what you achieve in 1/400 I struggle in 1/250. It is very tempting to buy some railings as they look so much better.

More when you can.


Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Hi, Barry! :D

The photo-etched railings are certainly a lot faster to use than scratch building those suckers using thread, I'll give you that; the only restriction is you are faced with working them into the model rather than making the rails to fit the model. Luckily the set I have uses different spacing, this one being the closest spacing, so then it's just a matter of trying to remember where the ladders go and trim them accordingly. :roll: Of course, it helps if you remember there are ladders before cutting, as I found out the hard way. I wish there were more of a selection at this scale, but it seems the market caters to the 1/200 and 1/250 size for the most would think JSC would take the hint and produce a set or work with someone to produce railing sets that match their models at this scale, and perhaps provide a set of instructions/illustrations for their various models. I think it not only adds to the interest of the model but to not have rails at the forecastle and stern just doesn't look right to me anyway. Even the "Kleiner Wilhelmshaven" kits, at 1/500 scale, show rails; okay they are printed as intregal parts of the model construction, but they recognize the need for rails to finish off the structures right.

Oh, and working at 1/400 scale isn't all that, mate, it's the same thing you are doing with your Hood, which by the way is looking great and certainly is a lot more complex and better looking than this ol''s just at a reduced size. :wink:

Hopefully I'll be able to get to making more of those ladders with railings tonight...only about eight more to go! :D At least I now have info for rigging the cargo booms, so I can ponder how to do that in the mean time.

Still no photos of the actual ship, apparently...anyone who knows of such a photo, I would very much appreciate seeing it...Please!




Jan 25, 2004
Mahomet Il.
Jim, I have been following you closely and was just about to make a general lpost regarding how to work with photo-etch. Well it seems you are going down that road so I will ask you. How do you cut those parts out? How do you paint them, and how do you attach them? Do you set holes in the deck to receive the posts or are they butt jointed to the deck? Anything else you care to mention, I would like to learn. John

Jim Krauzlis

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Copiague, Long Island, New York
Hi, John! :D

Although it's rough on the blades, I simply cut the tabs that hold the rails to the photo-etch frame using an X-Acto knife, #11 blade. I also trimmed them using a pair of scissors, but the X-Acto knife is best for closer cutting chores, and works quite effortlessly on this small etching material. For the most part I was trimming the parts at the cross rails, which was thinner than the stanchions. No problems encountered, but I suggest using a ruler to prevent cutting errors and to hold the rest of the part firmly to the cutting surface.

They were glued in place using nothing but white glue, Elmer's being my brand of choice. I applied it, as I do with most of the gluing jobs, using a small brush I keep in a small bowl of water just for this purpose. A little dab to the bottom of the stanchion posts, and then a bit more once it starts to set around the base for good measure, and it's good enough to keep it in place. The ease of using photo etch has really surprised me, and I really wish they offered more of this sort of thing in 1/400 scale, like radars, cleats, fittings, etc. As it is, I had to scratch build the railings on the ladders themselves, but that's better than having to build all the railings. :wink:

As with the rest of the model, it's painted with acrylic modeling paints. I use a brand from Model Expo, a mail order house located in Florida, and it's their own home brand, called Model Shipways Paints. It covers very well, thins and cleans with tap water and is based on fine grained pigments so I experience very little problems in applying too much if I watch what I am doing. The rails can be pre-painted to a certain degree but, being the sort who looks for trouble, I waited until it was glued in place before then taking small brush to railing and painting them. I didn't need more than two fine coats to get what you see in the pictures.

Big thing to keep in mind, this stuff is really delicate so you really have to be careful not to distort the piece in handling it. I tried to handle it as little as possible, just to measure, cut and glue in place. That's one reason I decided to wait until it was in place before painting. It can be easily manipulated, as I will have to show when I put them on the transom/fantail, which requires that the rail be curved around from one side to the other; the key is to gently manipulate the piece, using forming adds like a dowel to help impart the curve you need, but to do so ever so gently and gradually lest you might impose a deformation in the piece, usually in the worst possible and most delicate place. :shock: But, like anything else, work with it a bit and you get a good feel for what you can and shouldn't do with it.

Hope this provides answers to some of your questions, John. If I missed anything let me know and I will sure try and tell you what I did.

