Sensa Trak and Auto-reversing


Dec 3, 2006
Southern New Jersey
I am at the verge of installing dcc into my 4x8 and i'd like to use an autoreversing unit. At first i had settled on the mrc unit because it was small easy to install (based on reviews here and reading) and cheap <== important hehehe.

BUT now that i've done a litte more research and read a bit at about the spark that is created on the reverse loop i'm not so sure i want that spark. I did a little poking around and have come up w/ 2 solutions so far:

1) Follow tony's advice and use solid state switched reverse units.
REVERSER AND BREAKERS FOR DCC | Tech News at Tony's Train Exchange.

2) use an optical occupancy detector and have that operate a reverse circuit (tch technology sensatrak II and autoreverse unit) which ... in my mind would eliminate sparks becuase the rail will be reversed before the train gets there.
TCH Technology | Products - DC/DCC Automatic Reverse Unit

Any suggestions?