need help with polish trnaslation, GPM Zuikaku


New Member
May 13, 2004
Toluca Mexico

Nastepnym etapem bedzie przygotowanie pokladu startowego.
Next step is to prepare the starting (take off) deck.
Elementy pokladu (gore I dol) naklejamy na tekture 1mm I wycinamy.
We glue the elements of the deck (Top and bottom) on the 1 mm cardboard and then we cut them free.
Nastepnie obie strony sklejamy ze soba I pozostawiamy do wyschniecia pod obciazeniem.
Next we we glue both parts (sides) together and we let them dry under weight.
Wyrownujemy krawedzie boczne I oklejamy je paskami (cz.od PSa do PSg).
Then we make even both lateral edges and we glue to them the strips (parts from Psa to PSg).


New Member
May 13, 2004
Toluca Mexico

Nastepnym etapem bedzie przygotowanie pokladu startowego.
Next step is to prepare the starting (take off) deck.
Elementy pokladu (gore I dol) naklejamy na tekture 1mm I wycinamy.
We glue the elements of the deck (Top and bottom) on the 1 mm cardboard and then we cut them free.
Nastepnie obie strony sklejamy ze soba I pozostawiamy do wyschniecia pod obciazeniem.
Next we we glue both parts (sides) together and we let them dry under weight.
Wyrownujemy krawedzie boczne I oklejamy je paskami (cz.od PSa do PSg).
Then we make even both lateral edges and we glue to them the strips (parts from Psa to PSg).


New Member
May 13, 2004
Toluca Mexico
I am back from a sick leave so now I can follow where we last left

Nastepnie skalpelem wycinamy otwory na windy (wydluz linii srodkowej obrysu), reflektory (cz69) I wiatrochron (cz.6).
Next using a lancet we cut the elevator openings (along the medium line) spotlights (part 69) and the windshield (part 6).
Poklad w czesci dziobowej I rufowej w oznaczonych miejscach nacinamy od spodu I lekko zaginamy do dolu.
The deck on the bow and on the stern must be cut on the designated places from beneath and folded down.
Tak przygotowany poklad przklejamy do kadluba. Poklad podpieramy wspornikami (cz.61,62,15 – rys.21 I 23).
We glue such prepared deck to the hull. The deck rests on the reinforcing parts (elements 61, 62, 15 – drawings 21 and 23).
Calosc pozostawiamy do wyschniecia pod obciazeniem. Nastepnie wykonujemy elem. Usterzenia (cz. Od S1 do S14 – rys. 15).
Then we leave the entire structure to dry under weight. Next we build the helm (parts from S1 to S14 – drawing 15).
Tak przygotowany kadlub mozna juz umiescic na podstawce (str.20), ktorej elementy podklejamy tektura 3mm.
We can put our once finished hull on its base (page 20), its elements we laminate on a 3 mm cardboard.

It will continue today in about 10 hs.
I hope Your model is going fine
My best wishes and honest regards



New Member
May 13, 2004
Toluca Mexico
I am back from a sick leave so now I can follow where we last left

Nastepnie skalpelem wycinamy otwory na windy (wydluz linii srodkowej obrysu), reflektory (cz69) I wiatrochron (cz.6).
Next using a lancet we cut the elevator openings (along the medium line) spotlights (part 69) and the windshield (part 6).
Poklad w czesci dziobowej I rufowej w oznaczonych miejscach nacinamy od spodu I lekko zaginamy do dolu.
The deck on the bow and on the stern must be cut on the designated places from beneath and folded down.
Tak przygotowany poklad przklejamy do kadluba. Poklad podpieramy wspornikami (cz.61,62,15 – rys.21 I 23).
We glue such prepared deck to the hull. The deck rests on the reinforcing parts (elements 61, 62, 15 – drawings 21 and 23).
Calosc pozostawiamy do wyschniecia pod obciazeniem. Nastepnie wykonujemy elem. Usterzenia (cz. Od S1 do S14 – rys. 15).
Then we leave the entire structure to dry under weight. Next we build the helm (parts from S1 to S14 – drawing 15).
Tak przygotowany kadlub mozna juz umiescic na podstawce (str.20), ktorej elementy podklejamy tektura 3mm.
We can put our once finished hull on its base (page 20), its elements we laminate on a 3 mm cardboard.

It will continue today in about 10 hs.
I hope Your model is going fine
My best wishes and honest regards
