Chevrolet Chevelle - Highway To Hell Version


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Sao Paulo-Brazil
A new body to Chevelle 1970: a Highway to Hell version, a tribute to AC/DC. To use with parts of Chevrolet Chevelle Dark Version. - Mauther




Link: Chevrolet Chevelle - Highway To Hell Version - by Papermau

Greetings from Brazil!



Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Sao Paulo-Brazil
Just got an email from Blogger warning me about unauthorized content on my blog. The content is "Chevelle Highway To Hell". I believe that the claim came from the advocates of the brand AC/DC, because the link to the van (Kombi) had been deleted without any kind of warning. To avoid losing my blog and respond in a process that I would lose for sure, after all, rights are rights and whether a trademark is registered, it was foolish of me to use it without permission, even if the model distributing free.

Well, no more heavy metal models. When I was 14/15, My father always said, this "rockaroll" going to screw you. Well, I never thought it would be this way. : )


Why don't you change the name of the car to "Go To Hell"... That would be fitting! :)


Highway to hell has been used in books movies music.I think it is pretty gennaric term.
I have to agree here. "Highway toHell" came a long time before any of these idiots started singing about it. They incorporated a phrase into their act, they don't own it. I think they don't have a leg to stand on. You could always put "Eat my Dust', "Don't like my Driving, Call: 1800 EAT SH^T". One of my favorites! :)


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
monson ma
I have to agree here. "Highway toHell" came a long time before any of these idiots started singing about it. They incorporated a phrase into their act, they don't own it. I think they don't have a leg to stand on. You could always put "Eat my Dust', "Don't like my Driving, Call: 1800 EAT SH^T". One of my favorites! :)
Remember a couple of years ago when that guy tryed to patton paper models and said we had to pay him a fee.For every model designed free or not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Sao Paulo-Brazil
Hello for everybody,

Here is the mail that I received form Blogger, in the original form, in Portuguese, and below the translated version ( Google Translator):

Notificação de retirada do blog do Blogger

O Blogger foi notificado, de acordo com os termos da Lei de Direitos Autorais do Milênio digital (DMCA), de que um conteúdo específico em seu blog supostamente viola os direitos autorais de terceiros. Como resultado, redefinimos as postagens para o status "rascunho". Se não fizéssemos isso, estaríamos sujeitos a uma ação judicial de violação de direitos autorais, independente de seus méritos. Os URLs das postagens que supostamente representam uma violação podem ser encontrados no final desta mensagem. Isso significa que sua postagem e quaisquer imagens, links ou outros conteúdos, não foram apagados. Você pode editar a postagem para remover o conteúdo em questão e republicá-la. Assim, a postagem em questão ficará visível para seus leitores outra vez.
A DMCA é uma lei de direitos autorais dos Estados Unidos que fornece diretrizes de responsabilidade para provedores de serviços on-line no caso de violação de direitos autorais. Se você acredita ter o direito de postar o conteúdo em questão, registre uma contranotificação. Para obter mais informações sobre nossa política de DMCA, inclusive sobre como registrar uma contranotificação, acesse
A notificação que recebemos, sem quaisquer informações de identificação pessoal, será postada on-line pelo serviço Chilling Effects em Fazemos isto de acordo com a DMCA. Você pode pesquisar a notificação de DMCA associada à remoção de seu conteúdo. Para isso, acesse a página de pesquisa do Chilling Effects em e digite o URL da postagem do blog que foi removida. Se formos informados de que você publicou novamente a postagem sem remover o conteúdo/link em questão, iremos excluir sua postagem e considerar isso uma violação de sua conta. Violações recorrentes de nossos Termos de Serviço podem resultar em ações corretivas contra sua conta do Blogger, incluindo exclusão de seu blog e/ou o encerramento de sua conta. Se você tiver dúvidas jurídicas sobre esta notificação, procure aconselhamento jurídico. Atenciosamente, A Equipe do Blogger URLs afetados: []


Notification of withdrawal from the Blogger blog

Blogger has been notified in accordance with the terms of the Act Digital Millennium Copyright (DMCA), that a specific content in your blog allegedly infringes the copyrights of others. As a result, we redefine the posts to the status "Draft". If we did not, would be subject to a lawsuit for copyright infringement, regardless of its merits. The URLs of the posts that are supposed to represent a violation can be found at the end of this message. This means that your post and any images, links or other content, were not deleted. You can edit the post to remove the content in question and republish it. Thus, the post in question will be visible to your readers again.
The DMCA is a copyright law that provides U.S. responsibility guidelines for service providers online in the case of copyright infringement. If you believe you have the right to post the content in question, a counter register. For more information on our DMCA policy, including how to file a counter notification, see
The notification that we received, without any personally identifiable information will be posted online for the service in Chilling Effects. We do this in accordance with the DMCA. You can search the DMCA notification associated with the removal of its contents. For this, go to the search page on the Chilling Effects and enter the URL of the blog post that was removed. If we are notified that you have published the post again without removing the content / link in question, we will delete your post and consider it a violation of your account. Recurring violations of our Terms of Service may result in corrective action against your Blogger account, including deleting your blog and / or termination of your account. If you have legal questions about this notification, seek legal advice. Sincerely, The Blogger Team Affected URLs: []

That`s it! I will change the logo , something like "Straight To Hell" or some of Zathros` ideas. I think something ironic is the best thing to do...

Thanks for all of you for ideas and gently words! : )

Greetings from Brazil!
