www.internettrains.com bad experiences!!!

Ralph said:
Well, that makes me wince a little! :) I like to see it more like we're all guests in some one's house and abide by the etiquette they prefer. There are all kinds of "houses" with all kinds of etiquette. You'll find some that suit you and some that don't. Joining a forum typically includes clicking on an "I agree" statement when asked if you're willing to abide by the forum rules or guidelines. Agreeing is an act of good faith.
I certainly am glad I joined this forum,it's a great place to learn and get together with like minded people of all persuasions and backgrounds and allows you to voice an opinion as long as it's with in the boundrys of good taste and not deragatory or insulting to other people.

I will not however join a forum that tries to push their ideals or opinions on you,such as the forum mentioned earlier that stuck up for an e-company and wouldn't allow criticism of it because it was a sponser.That's just wrong on so many levels and I wish I knew which one it was so I could steer clear of them.


Internettrains sent me an email notifying me that my credit card has been credited for the purchase I made which they were unable to fill in a timely manner.

I had the LHS order the stuff from Kadee and am pleased with the result.