Up again


Out AZ way
Feb 3, 2003
Yep, looks like we're up and running again. Sorry about that, but even the staff didn't know. It appears to us that the server went down last night and the sentry slept in late seeing how it's Sunday and all....:wave: :wave:
Looks like we've been up and down all day so far. Still got to be server troubles since none of Crowdgather's sites that I've checked are working right either. Let's hope we stay up a bit longer this time...:thumb: :thumb:
Once the withdrawal symptoms had fully set in...I tried to get to the Google group to inquire what was up, but couldn't find it.....What's the link to it..?? :cry:
Still having problems on my end. I get script errors and a very long load time indeed. I am asked to de-bug the page on every page. It took about 15 minutes for the homepage to load today. Is there any resolution for this???
It's up, and it's not. Opening the site or a new window seems to take forever sometimes, and real snappy for the next one. All I know is that the Crowdgather.com techs are working on things, so hang in there.