Tornado headed toward my town!!! HELP!

Get to the lowest part of your property, If inside get to the center of the house and lay flat on the floor. Stay away from the windows! Good luck !
oh, it's no big deal. we have those all the time here in oklahoma. i even go outside to look!
i don't know where "on vacation" is, but i do know that in tornado alley, around may we have a tornado every other day.
One came by our town a few weeks ago. It nearly devastated the trailer park on the east side (don't laugh!), and it created so much wind that, as far away as it was, it made the town look like a war zone.

Luckily I was at the cinema, which is about five miles out of town and well out of range of most of the destruction. Ironically, my dad told me not to go because of the tornado. :rolleyes:
One cannot laugh at trailer parks and tornados...trailer parks are either specifically placed in known tornado paths, or they are huge tornado magnets...little known facts!! sign1 Glad to see you were smart and went to the movies!!
Tornadoes aren't funny. With that said...

I always figured the best place to be - instead of your basement - would be on the top of your house. That way, you fall on the house instead of it falling on you!

I'm glad to hear everything passed by.
There were several tornadoes where I live a few years back I live in southern California (we never get tornadoes out here) it was so awesome I could see them out my window.
ironically, there was a tornado in my city two weeks ago, which tore down trees of all sizes as if they were toothpicks. As I was making my commute to the train station, I noticed that one poor car had THREE trees toppled on top of it! sign1
Thats good news! It would have been awful if the Tornado had reached your house. Count yourself luckY!