Spring 07 challenges

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Out AZ way
Feb 3, 2003
OK, the two new challenges are open, we're going to call them "Spring 07, scratchbuilt challenge", and "Spring 07, kitbuild challenge." The reason this sub-forum was created was to keep all the current contest and challenge entries together. We are expecting quite a few and I didn't want them to get mixed up with previous challenges. The rules for both these challenges are as follows:
  • Each person entering should start a new thread there in this sub-forum. The title of their thread should be,
    "(username), Spring 07 scratchbuilt challenge",
    or"(username), Spring 07 kitbuild challenge".
  • You can show pictures in your thread of what you intend to build, progress pictures and reports and comments from others are welcome.
Scratchbuilt challenge will be as follows:
  • Get a photograph of a structure, any structure, then scratchbuild or kitbash a model of that structure. The idea is to come as close to the real thing as you can. The picture of the original structure does not have to be taken by you, but you must also post a picture of it, or a link to it if you found it somewhere on the Net. The surrounding scenery and details, such as people, vehicles and trees need not be the same, but it can be. However, the structure needs to be as close as you can get to it. Any scale (except full
    ) will do.
Kitbuild challenge will be as follows:
  • Just build a kit using only the parts in the box for the structure only. You may paint and weather the structure and make cosmetic changes, but you cannot add anything that does not come with the kit. You can though, add other details as scenery around the structure. This will allow you to do from a "let it look like the picture on the box" to "I built it like the instructions says, but I've enhanced it with weathering, different paint and scenery" to "I used all the parts in the box and this is what I came up with". The choice is yours.
These challenges will end on June 1st, at which time we'll open up a voting thread.

Good luck to all that enter, we're looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us.:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
OK, we've gotten a general consensus, and it seems that everyone agrees that it would be a good thing to move the complete date for these challenges from June 1st to June 30th. I suggested it because of all the recent changes and delays here at the Gauge, and the fact that some are having problems with posting and retrieving pictures. Not to mention those of us that haven't had a chance to start yet.

So, for all involved, you can breath a bit easier, we all have an extra month to complete our projects. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
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