Sicaran Battle Tank

Nice job..I can see some nice clean work going on there on some really HEAVY armor!
(?) Is that a cut or a fold on the triangular piece on the side below the roof and behind the front? ( Just curious as I am not familiar with the model )... look forward to seeing more...!!:)
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Probably a cut. I am trying to eliminate the glue tabs that come with the models because I find that they get in the way of certain parts fitting.
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The glue tabs interfere with every model they are on. This model is so heavily build, with Micro R/C/ stuff, you could power it up, and make it radio control !! :)
Great Job! That is one heavy Monster! and I most definitely agree with tabs...cut them all off and apply what you need on the back..
Got a little bit done on the turret tonight. I couldn't get the paper template to work for the main body of the turret, so I cut some insulation foam I use for terrain pieces and sanded it into shape, then gave it a nice coat of Spackle to smooth it down a bit more. 14678116_734669415382_1549532462_o.jpg
Outstanding!! I'm not into the WarHammer40K stuff too much, a tank without suspension is a traveling coffin on an oxcart, but now and again, someone makes something that looks cool, like this. ;)
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