Question from a Noob...


New Member
Aug 21, 2016

Noob question here... could I get away with using a metal edged Wood ruler for cutting & trimming, or should I wait until my full blown steel Ruler arrives via 'Brown Rabbit'?


Alan :)
Sure! Why not! Do not be surprised if you use some kind of a straight edge with a knife and not get a perfectly straight line. The angle of the knife blade can change. If you get an idea of something to try, try it. Something may work better for you than for someone else. Go with what gets you results. You may find another technique will also work for you so try out new ideas as you come across them.

Personally, I don't even use a straight edge. I go free hand and shift between a knife and scissors. I also never use any kind of disposable knife. I use a Two Cherries brand knife meant for cutting masks. I also sharpen and hone it whenever needed.
Many thanks, subnuke! I guess I'll try it and see how it does. TY also for the tip on the angle of the blade; I'll watch for that, too.


Alan :)
Those metal edged rulers are a great tool. Use it, and often! :)
I wore out several of those in the old days,,, and for another tip...put a strip of painters or masking tape on the bottom of your rulers ( that's if they don't already have cork on them) really helps to stop them from slipping, and painters tape doesn't leave a mess like masking can after it.s been on there for awhile!
Thanks, Gandolf! I will definitely use the painter's Tape on the backside of the Wood ruler, and give it a go!

Alan :sticktongue: