Ocalicreek Spring '07 Scratchbuilt Challenge

Ugghh...just realized it's been over a month since I threw my hat into the ring. While I've been admiring the work of others, I have yet to set myself down at the workbench and get crackin. Good thing this is open to June! Alright, hopefully this weekend I'll get some work done and a few shots to share.
Awrighty then, well, here it is May 31 and I'm down in California visiting inlaws. The first week of my vacation was great - but no modeling accomplished.

HOWEVER, my son and I had a great time watching CC&C #15 get steamed up and run up into Chehalis to meet the 844/4449 doubleheader special. That train was running late so we headed down to Kelso to watch it run through and bonus - it stopped briefly to take on a few passengers. Then my folks and I watched it fly through Kelso a week later on the return trip and man was he flying. I'd guess it was exceeding the speed limit (and from what I've heard, with Doyle at the throttle, that's not unlikely).

AND, my Dad and I laid tile in our dining room which is a vast improvement over the dog-pee stained carpet that was there.

SO as for this challenge, well, I still want to build this little station so, unless these threads get closed, I'll eventually post it here...unless uploading pictures on my computer at home takes too long, at which point I'll either update my website or find some other way to link the pictures to the thread. We'll see.
