Need Sketchup help


Active Member
Nov 20, 2008
monson ma
Hi after 7 years of building I want to try my hand at designing.I made the object in Sketchup, now what do I do ?Do I have to down load other programs and what are they?I looked around the forum and so far didn,t find any help on this subject I,m sure I missed it somewhere but I can,t find it.Thanks for any help.
Is it ulfolded? If not you could use Pepakura Designer after you exportt the file as 3DS or Google Earth 4kmz.
Thanks that is where i am getting stuck.I,ll try that.I wasn,t sure how to get it to Pepakura Designer.How do I change it to a 3DS do I use a blender.Or do I just chage the property of the file.And also thank you very much for your help.