M4 Carbine by Hoborginc


Active Member
Apr 6, 2015
Hello guys. I have this project that i'll tackle and then (or while i'm building it, i really don't know) painting it to give it a most realistic look. This will be my first build of this nature, until now i just builded, painted edges, normal stuff.

I know this will be a nice, long and laborious project, so i'm asking if you can pinpoint at me where to study about painting paper (this kind of full paint), if it will requires putty and sand, how to do it, etc. I've searched but mostly all i found are plastic related projects. The closest thing i can think of (on paper) are the tanks, trucks kind of projects, but those have heavy laminated (0,5mm, 1mm, o more) but the carbine comes without any structural/internal support cardboard. Hoborginc juggests 190gr paper. I can get 200gr paper, so it's close and will have to work.

I'll appreciate any advice.
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I would strongly suggest making boxes for internal support, and plan on painting the whole model. Use wood strips where necessary, and a wooden dowel for the barrel. I use 110 lb. stock, and laminate from there. ;)
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I have read and saw here about the use of wood to reinforce now that you mention, i forgot... i'm sure i'll use wood.
About 110lb stock and laminate you mean, scratchbuild kind of?
I always cut the main part out. If it seems flimsy, I trace it and cut out a blank piece to glue to the printed piece, making sure that the laminated piece is just a tiny bit smaller, about the thickness of the paper, to not interfere with fit. When I laminate parts, I glue them, then place books on top of them to make them dry tightly together and flat. Popsicle sticks work great for making a framing to keep sides even stronger. Only you can determine when building the model where the weak and flimsy parts are. Building in sections will give you the best results. ;)
I understand that only the builder will know some things when the time comes out, because this decisions involve skill, paper thickness, piece size, future painting , etc. But just to check if i get it right, with this technique that you describe, you can do a cube with just one piece? o you cut all the cube faces? let's assume that the faces are large enough that will need laminating.
I'm re-thinking this because earlier i thought you were talking about full laminating, i mean solid pieces, not normal papermodeling. And now i'm understanding (i think lol) normal technique but with reinforces wherever i might consider.
The pieces that need to be strong, such as the stock, handle, butt, and forearm can have rectangular internal structures formed from cardboard. or laminated sheets of card stock. The Viper that I built needed several pieces to be 1, or 2 mm thick, but the thickest card I had was only .5 mm so I laminated 2 or 4 layers of .5 mm card to make my 1, and 2 mm pieces.
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Egg Crate Egg Crate! Remember those words...anything you build can be strengthened by using an egg crate technique.
If you get what is commonly call Poster Board...it is about .5MM thick...and easy to cut. and for all those parts that need it, a form can be designed for it... EGG CRATE
Thank you guys. i have a better picture now. ofcourse the journey will be long, but here we will be developing things.
Well, i decided that i'll try the hardening with the grip and the receiver, starting with the grip. Let's build, experiment and see what we learn from here.

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The paper i get is different that i previously used to builds. I used a bright matte paper, 120gr and 150gr, but this 200gr is different, like smother and brighter.

IMG_20200620_132330914 50.jpg
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