Imperial Guard Baneblade - FlareBaffled

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Loving the look of that model Tirick! This is one of the models that I plan on starting shortly, I have some added bitz from GW that I'm going to use as accents, and probably some mod work. Fantastic build m8!!

I have to say that as soon as I am done my BSG model I want to do this one as you did such a great job I want to see if I can do it justice. Awesome work.
Good lord that's a lot of pieces! But what an extremely good looking paper model. Has anyone ever made a PDF of the part pages? I am on a MAC of Pepakura Viewer doesn't work. And I do not have a spare copy of Windows to make a duel boot.

Great build... that's insane with the tracks... that's the only part I am hesitant about(keeping my enthusiasm long enough to complete...)

I can make one, although I'd poll Flarebaffled before releasing one. The only caution I'd have is that the model view really helps with the build-up. I essentially had it open the entire build.

I also have them renegotiated onto letter size, if you would prefer that, again only with Flarebaffled's permission.

the only tricky piece for putting it on letter is the chassis. but if you play with it, you can get it so only a few bits of tab get put onto the margin.
BUMPED for priority reasons - do not bump in old threads.

Fantastic model - and look at these lovely tracks!!! :)

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