I'm still here


Esteemed Member
Jan 19, 2015
Hi all. just wanted to drop a note and let you all know that i'm still here. been a LOT of health problems with the wife this year. she's been in the hospial 12 times for panqutitus . finely got her to get a endoscopic ultrasound done 2 weeks ago and the results are not good. it is a cancer of some sort, doc's are meeting next monday (14) to find out what if anything they can do. the head surgeon did stop in her room the other day to explain what he does, but when he found out that she has c.o.p.d. and on home oxygen , said that she would most likely not make it off the table. her lungs are too weak for it. but we're not giving up hope yet ( though she wants to and i keep telling her that we'll do all that we can), gonna wait to hear from them on what plan they come up with.
Just wanted to drop you all a note and wanted to let you know that i wasn't one of them " snatch-n-run" guys out there.
i love this site and everyone here are the greatest group . i will be checking back in now and then and keep you updated. in the mean time the builds will have to wait
thanks for the ears
Mark Lyter
First, please let me say "WELCOME BACK"! You are always welcome here! I hope that you feel at home here!
Second, I am sorry that your wife is so very ill. I hope and pray that your wife will pull through with flying colours.
Both of you (and your family) are in my thoughts and prayers.
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I hope your wife recovers. emotionally draining im sure.
its been a while but I remember your name!
have you seen Rawen's 5oth anniversary star trek model set ?
well, hang in there and let us know.
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We're here for you. Contact any of us through P.M.'s if you need to get more personal nature. I am praying for you and praying for your wife. Help her get in touch with her creator. Those seeking the truth need not label it. It's so hard to let someone go, do all that you can, she could end up living a very long life. God Bless you in this ordeal. My heart goes out to you, my eyes are welled up. We are here for you, post whatever you need too. This is a group of friends, much more than a forum. We have your back, and your wife's. Please tell her she has us praying for her. KEEP IN TOUCH!!! :)

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Lyter, it's so good to hear from you again. I'm sorry to hear that your wife is in such trouble. I really wish both of you all the strength you can get. Never give up, there is always hope.

Kind regards

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Still thinking about you, hope all is well. ;)
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Hi all, wanted to give a update on things on he home front. First though, both Deb and i want to say thanks for all the well thoughts and prayers. We had the phone call from the hospital, the group ( surgeons, endoscopic doc, and the cancer group) all got together and went over all of Deb's scans ( ct's and mri's) for the last 8 months and cannot be sure that it's cancer. the biopsy had some "very worry some " cells showing. but we were told that if there was any inflammation that they could mimic cancer cells. So they want to wait till January to do another CT scan to see if anything had "grown" . It's been the same size for the last 8 months and they are hoping it stays that way. She's still in a lot of pain and nausea but is taking med's to help keep it down . Though she's gonna have to go up in the dosage of pain med's . it's really hard not knowing what to do till then. her mental health is very fragile going down hill and she keeps thinking that this is the it for her. all of us are trying to keep her spirits up,but its a challenge .
Again, THANK YOU ALL for your support and well wishes and i'll keep in touch
I take a lot of pain meds. Done right, and for people who are in pain, it's not a big deal as their body(our?) uses the stuff up. Very different from someone who takes it and has nothing wrong with them. I find morphine has the least side effects from all the other ones. I have taken them all, and Morphine was also the least addictive. I took myself off of it, after 8 years, in a two month pill reduction method. I had no problems nor did I feel a craving for it. Unfortunately, my blood pressure rose so high from the pain, I had to go back on it, but I am taking half the amount I needed, so it's all good. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. We wish you both the best. ;)
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Hi Mark, I read this thread only now, please excuse me for not having been here before to join the choir of the friends wishing you and Deb all the best.
I work in hospital too as a doctor and I feel very angry when I read stories like yours where doctors give bad news and describe a situation as it has no escape before having all the evidences needed to say this. Many colleagues are very good healing bodies but very bad when they deal with the soul of their patients. I'm not saying that the patient doesn't have the right to be informed of his real status, but no bad news has to be given as sure before they really are. This is my opinion. I look in the microscope every day searching for bad cells but I never forget that behind those little cells there is a person with his story, his fears and his expectations... so I am always very careful when I have to take a decision on a difficult case, in the good and in the bad way...
I hope the doctors was wrong the first time and those bad cells was only very disturbed by inflammation process (it happens, effectively...). Please be free to contact me by PM if you wish to share any detail of your story with me, I'll be happy to help if I can.
hi all,
wanted to drop by and give a heads up with my wife Deb. she had another ct scan done last week and things look good so far. the lesion has NOT grown from the last scan she had back in November ... good news that is, but she is still in a lot of pain and discomfort. she is happy that it isnt the big C, but still down because of all the pain and all.. she goes to the doc's next month and we'll see where we go from here. its been very stressful for both of us but we'll keep going on
ok, have fun all n keep building..( i'm trying to..lol..)
Great to hear from you again, Mark. :)

I am still sorry for your wife for still being in pain. Both of you are in my prayers and I really hope things get better soon for you. :)
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If the lesion is causing the pain, they may try to work with it. My sister has Brain lesions at the base of her skull, and there is nothing that can be done. Every case is different though. We're all praying and rooting for you guys. :)
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You have my hope also that things get better and something can be found to help with your wife's pain! I know that when one is in pain, it hurts both!
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