How often do I change an X-Acto Blade?

Armorman posted this in another part of the forum, but as it adheres to this thread I quote it here:
I was meeting with a fellow modeler the other day and he had one of these cool little tools for sharpening x-acto blades. It did a great job on a bunch of blades I was going to pitch. I just ordered a set for myself.


It's called the Edjer and can be found at the following web address:
What kind of oil would you use for this?

Just regular 30 Weight motor oil.

Leather mounted on a arbor, or a pulley set up, can sharpen blades like the edges that a Barbers gets, The more the leather is used, the better it comes as it picks up some of the metal and basically buffs the edge on. I think this is much to do for a tiny blade and to me, personally, the time is worth more than just tossing the blade for a new one. Then again, that is also part of the hobby, so what ever floats your boat! :)