Hiya all!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2006
Sun Prairie WI
Its been quite a while since I posted so thought a reintroduction might be in order. Used to be here quite frequently, not so much as of late. Ekuth has done a marvelous job here and has some great help on board with him. Figured it was high time for another peek. Looking forward to seeing what we have here!
Hello Chris. Glad your looking in. I don't post much here, as you can see from my post count. I have asked if tthere was anyway to reactive my old account and get my post count back up to what it was, but I've had no joy with that. Maybe Ekuth could look into that again, Please.

Glad to see that the ''old'' guys are coming back and posting here again. And a lot of new guys as well.
hey Paul nice to see you too :)

What Ekuth can do is based solely on what actions someone took with your account when it was removed.... hope he can help! Kinda hard to say as diffrent things happened at different times.
Hey Chris! Glad to see ya' back bud! You know you're welcome here anytime. Glad to see you kept your post count too.
actually I didnt - I was well over 11,000 ;) thats ok though. I have not looked to see whats deleted, hopefully my old builds are still around. If not such is life. I need to get building again one of these days!