"hello there!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2022
Norwich UK
Hello and I'm a paper modeller...

Thank you for letting me join this forum, I hope you will all go easy on me and help me on my journey of discovery as I head down the path of paper.

Born and residing in Norwich, UK I'm a 51 year old with a passion for all shapes of models.

My brother 10 years my senior indoctrinated me in my early years by taking me to the cinema, of which a certain Star Wars film had a profound effect on me at the age of seven. Many science fiction films followed and t.v was there too, Dale 'the brother' would watch Gerry Anderson shows, Doctor Who, Blake's Seven and just about every Sci-Fi show going.

Whilst the the film and t,v were being watched, I was always drawn to the models and wondering how the effects were achieved, thus having a great love of those wonderful wizards who helped bring lifeless plastic - into screen icons.

Early modelling years were full of plastic kits - Airfix, Matchbox, MPC and Monagram to name a few...tanks and aircraft were staples, but the lure of something off-world was looming.

Watching as my brother build Rockets, robots, Enterprise's, monsters, Daleks and scratch-building his own creations left and impact on me to dabble in Japanese Mecha, radio control and other oddities, but focus dropped as I got older, a job, finding pubs and other general life issues raised their head until I met my partner in 2010.
We become an item, moved in together - the miracle born out of this was to have a spare room, in which a bench could always be ready and willing for the re-kindling of model making my old forgotten hobby burn bright again.

A friend was turning a significant age and I thought "make him a model" his favourite plane and invention was Concorde. Through the wonderful world of the internet, I found files for this beautiful aircraft in the form of files which I could construct the ultimate in paper planes. Various small tests were made -mistakes happened, but above all I was enjoying my new found love of turning flat lifeless parts into a thing of wonder.

I hope you can help me along the way as I progress onto more complex things, welcoming any help and advice along the way...

A hearty handshake to you all

Hello Chuffy,

Please let me be the first one to welcome you to Zealot! I am glad to see that you joined the forum! You have come to the right place for all things model building as a whole, and to build and hone your skills. The members here are very helpful.

Even though this forum is predominantly dedicated to paper/cardstock model building, as I am certain that you have seen, there are sections that cover many mediums (including plastic and resin), as well as other hobbies (i.e. model railroading, and RC vehicles).

We have many members who are into SCI-FI (Myself included). By all means, please post photos of your models. We love seeing photos.

When you start a new project, I would like to invite you to post a build thread. Build threads are a great way of show off your work and skills. Not only that, but if you run into an issue with a model you can highlight the area that you are having problems with and we can offer you some suggestions on how to deal with them.

So, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here and feel at home. I look forward to seeing your work.
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welcome to zealot Chuffy, you will find a great deal of scifi models and other models. I think you gone like it here. Can you share some images of you concord I love to see it.
Have fun here.
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Welcome Aboard Chuffy.

"You'll never find a more wretched hive..." Errr... A better site to commune with others about our shared hobbies, and passions. Several of us here are Sci-Fi fans, myself included.
Thanks for posting a greeting, and remember, when you start a new build, start a build thread as well.
welcome to zealot Chuffy, you will find a great deal of scifi models and other models. I think you gone like it here. Can you share some images of you concord I love to see it.
Have fun here.
Thank you for the welcome mijob, I'll have to see if I took a picture of it...if not I have a spare - guess that could be my first build
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Welcome to Zealot Chuffy. We are glad to have you join. There are so many models you can get because of your location that we in the U.S. would be put off because of postage.

We do have quite a bit of models in our Resource Section. I hope you find your experience at Zealot fulfilling. :)
Welcome to Zealot Chuffy. We are glad to have you join. There are so many models you can get because of your location that we in the U.S. would be put off because of postage.

We do have quite a bit of models in our Resource Section. I hope you find your experience at Zealot fulfilling. :)
Thank you zathros, I look forward to posting hear soon
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Hello Chuffy,

welcome to the forum!

Thank you very much for posting this in-depth introduction. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your work. :)

Take care and have fun and enjoy! :)

It is great to have another person aboard in the world of paper models. Please post pictures of your builds.
I think that you will find that folks around here will give supportive, and not harsh criticism.

Paper models can have fantastic textures applied with printers. My odd sense-of-humour has me holding model aircraft at arms length and snapping photos with my cell phone. I commonly post pictures online in chat rooms where real aircraft owners frequent. Many of my model pictures pass for photos of real aircraft ;)

Paper models can have fantastic textures applied with printers. My odd sense-of-humour has me holding model aircraft at arms length and snapping photos with my cell phone. I commonly post pictures online in chat rooms where real aircraft owners frequent. Many of my model pictures pass for photos of real aircraft ;)

The sky pics I took with my Viper were a huge hit among my colleagues at work. Most of them thought it was a massive plane. When I showed them the 8" long model they were speechless. There is nothing better than effects shots done in camera. :)