Happy to be on Zealot


Jul 20, 2023
Hi everyone. My name is Les and I’m a papercraftaholic. “Hi Les”. I’ve been building paper models ever since I was about 7 in the 1970s when my Dad brought home some cardboard lining from his meat shop at the grocery store he worked at. After cutting the parts off the cardboard with meat stains I built my first cardboard model which was an odd shaped spaceship for my GI-JOE. And then I saw Star Wars at the theatre in 1977 and then things got serious. Of course there was no internet access back then so I had to design my own models on paper. Unfortunately the only evidence I have of all of those old models is in the YouTube I posted a few years back of a digitized version of the super-8 animated Star Wars fan film I made in the 80s. These days I’ve been working on models I can find on the internet but would like to dabble in designing my own possibly in Blender. Anyways, looking forward to joining in the fun.
Hello Les,

Please let me be the first one to welcome you to Zealot! I am glad to see that you joined the forum! You have come to the right place for all things model building as a whole, and to build and hone your skills. The members here are very helpful. There are many members that are designers as well. I am certain that they will be more than happy to help you and answer any questions that you may have.

We have many members who are into SCI-FI (Myself included). So, I hope that you feel at home here.

If you have any photos of your old models, by all means, please post photos of your work. You can post photos directly from your computer to the thread without the need of a photo hosting site.

When you start a new project, I would like to invite you to post a build thread. Build threads are a great way of show off your work and skills. Not only that, but if you run into an issue with a model you can highlight the area that you are having problems with and we can offer you some suggestions on how to deal with them.

So, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again, welcome aboard. I hope that you enjoy yourself here and feel at home. I look forward to seeing your work.
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Welcome to the forum. You story is the same as those people who want to make what they like, and have the skills, or want to learn how to fabricate, using whatever they have lying around. I used to grab old 331/3 album covers, and turn them into all kinds of things. I made a Jupiter 2 Chariot, using blister Packaging for windows that would have been otherwise thrown out, making tracks, and my Mom was a seamstress (among other things) so I had tons of needles to make linked tracks. To me it looked just like the "Chariot'. I know it was crude, but I was still in my single digits. I remember a neighbor wanting to trade a painted up really nice plastic model for it, but I played with this thing too much to let it go.

We have some real experts here in Blender, and I'm sure if you are willing to learn, and do the work, they will help you if you get stuck.

I use Rhino3DD, so I'm useless when it comes to Blender. There are a lot of people here who use a lot of different design programs.

Welcome to Zealot!!! :)
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Hello and welcome to the forum! I'm looking forward to seeing your work. If you have any pictures of your previous builds, please feel free to show them here. I'd love to see them. :) Have fun and enjoy! :)
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Welcome aboard Les, thanks for your introduction. Im also a StarWars fan all my desugns are related to the empire. I hope to see some designs from you. And uf you have any pictures you can sgare with us feel free to post them.
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Sounds Zealous to me! It would be better these days to use Vector to draw your new models, Inkscape and there is some free software that include Vector drawing programs. That will eliminate problems later, especially in printing and enlarging. Waiting to see your new work!
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Unfortunately the only evidence I have of all of those old models is in the YouTube I posted a few years back of a digitized version of the super-8 animated Star Wars fan film I made in the 80s.
By all means, please post a link here! :)
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I wish to ad my belated Welcome Aboard...
You'll get along fine with the Zealot crew, and we will all love to see your works. when I get a chance I'll watch the Fan flic.

Welcome aboard!
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