Halinski Bf-109 F4


New Member
Jan 3, 2006

Thought I'd share this one with anyone who is interested.


Here's an example of the instruction illustrations.




Some images of the cockpit. I wish I had started taking pictures before I skinned it for two reasons: There is detail you can't really make out now(the rudder pedals are nice looking), and I've discovered that the camera picks out flaws that the naked eye misses for some reason. When I look at what I've done so far, in person I'm pleased. When I look at the photos, however, I'm just appalled at how messy it looks. Women always say that the camera adds ten pounds, so maybe for my models it makes them look like they were built by an epileptic chimpanzee. Anyway, I've decided to take photos as I go to pick out flaws and correct them.


The gunsight. Thirteen paper parts and two clear sheets.



How it looks so far, with the canopy set in place.
Thanks GB. I look forward to seeing the photos of your Macchi. I would like to try building it soon. An Italian plane would be a welcome addition to my collection.
A request: does anyone have information about the proper position of the flaps on this bird, particularly at rest on the tarmac? Photos, diagrams, anything would be helpful.
Got a little done last night, the nose radiator scoop;




As you can see above, unless care is taken, the skin will not completely cover the framing around the exaust recess; color them black before skinning to avoid that white edge look.

Also got two fuselage segments in place. A warning: the bulkhead former W5 is slightly undersized, I mean by maybe 1/4 mm. I had to make another. If you cut the part slightly outside the line, with a little trimming it should fit fine.


Latest Progress

Not much, but some.

Been working on the tail, here's the framing:


Partially skinned:


Skinned and set in place on the fuselage:


With some of the control surfaces:



Hopefully I can get started on the wings soon.


Looks good so far Alfa. Halinski kits really are a joy to build. At this point I pretty much avoid any other publisher unless that publisher has a unique subject that Halinski has not yet designed.

One thing that you need to watch out for with Halinski's kits though is the bulkheads. I assume that everything is designed on a computer, and it is designed to be PERFECT. This means that absolutely any slip of the knife or misshapen part will likely cause a bit of a mess with any of the surrounding parts. (I ruined the Halinski Su-27 in this manner.) With the bulkheads though, I find it hard to hide there existence. Usually you can see a that the part conforms to the bulkhead at the fuselage segment seems, but each segment tends to collapse slightly inward. This gives the appearance of bulges at each seem.

However, you can solve the problem by doing two things. First, shape the bulkhead SLIGHTLY. By this I mean sand the edges to match the slope of the fuselage. If the fuselage is shrinking into a cone at the tail, sand the edge of the rear of the bulkheads to be every so slightly smaller than the front. Flip this if it tapers to the nose, or leave the edges perpendicular if the segment does not taper at all.

Second, make sure each segment is completely formed before glueing it. You should not have to hold a segment around its bulkhead to make it hold its shape. You should spend lots of time "curling" the paper and rounding it so that it will almost conform to the shape of the bulkhead without it having to be held into place. As a rule of thumb, if you have to hold it, it has not been preshaped enough. Use the edge of a table for large curves, and roll pencils and burnishing tools over the paper (with a semi-soft surface underneath...erasers work well.) to make more accurate small curves.

Ok I will stop blabbing now. You may already be using these techniques, but I just thought that I would share my discoveries with you in the case that they might help. Good luck building the rest of her. I look forward to building this kit myself, so I cannot wait to see your results.

Thanks Flu!
Your 109 looks great! Your stealth fighter thread has been an inspiration as well. Keep up the good work!

On to the wings

Started the wings, which means numb fingers from cutting all that 1mm card. Here's the structure:


Set in place on the fuselage:


And the left wing skinned:


The wheel well:


A small problem: This part is mislabeled; it should be W11a, not W11d:


All in all I'm happy with how she's going. Back to skin the other wing now!