Edge Coloring


Active Member
Apr 22, 2007
Greenville NC, USA
So I don't know how many more of you out there really worry about edge coloring, but it's something I feel very strongly about. A model with well colored edges just looks better overall to me. I've had a large collection of Prismacolor markers since high school that I use for a lot of the colored edges, but with lots of scifi models you need a lot of gray, as it is the go-to color for any kind of space ship, it seems. I had some gray Prismacolors, but they've run out, and are pretty expensive to replace. I recently stumbled on some great calligraphy pens on Amazon though, that are pretty cheap, and come in 6 different gray shades (both warm and cool grays too).

Anyone else have good options for edge coloring?

Here are the pens I found, for those interested: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0044JOPZY/ref=oh_details_o05_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I picked up one of those big sets of markers when I first got in to card modeling, but I found it too easy to get bleeding color in the wrong places. The technique that works best for me is just a good old fashioned small watercolor brush with a bit of carefully mixed watercolor. Actually, I picked up one of those little sets of opaque watercolors that come dry on a pallet like we used in kindergarten. I get the color on the length of the brush, then touch just the side of the brush to the paper edge. It works.
I don't color anymore when I'm on the edge. I'm too nervous and uptight! :)
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I use simple markers for "easy"colourings (mainly pure black, yellow, green etc.). If I need a specific tone I use water colours. This gives me full control of the colour and enables me to create the exact tone needed to make the edge invisible.
depending on the color, I go between Prismacolor pens and pencils. Although with the pencils I have to be careful not to fray the edges.
I really like this option. I have only used the paints and it never looks the nicest. But I do feel that the pens and pencils would bring me better luck. Will have to try that out for sure.
I really like this option. I have only used the paints and it never looks the nicest. But I do feel that the pens and pencils would bring me better luck. Will have to try that out for sure.

The trick with using paint, is using a "dry" brush. Meaning having the least amount of paint on the brush before you paint the edges. You will get better results that way.
What kind of paint do you use?
I use simple water colour paints.
I will mix up the colour that I want. Let the paint dry into a cake. Then when I need it, I will dip my paint brush into water and then smear it in the paint cake to get the amount pf paint that I need (which is a very small amount). Then paint the edges.