

Feb 13, 2012
nc hamlet
welcome to my next prehistoric animal build. i have been making quite alot of pterosaurs far, 7 different species of different genera. but i felt the compulsion to start designing and building a dinosaur again. this time, it's deinochierius. correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe this would be the first paper model of deinocheirus ever made. so, yay me

just like the spinosaurus, the dienocheirus also features movable jaws. i am likeing this little addition to my 1: 48 scale animals. i think i'll start implementing this to my paper figures for now on :)




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Excellent! Now you are bringing them into the 3D world, then articulated, and finally, if some DNA can be found LIFE! :)
man i wish. unfortunately usable DNA only have a half life of about some 500 years or so. just did the math and deinocheirus lived over 140,000 times that lifespan. :bawling:

the prototype is finished! these arms are exceptionally long. in life, an actual deinocheirus had arms up to 2.4 meters in length. there the longest out of any theropod. i must now look over the model to fix or alter areas in the plans that i feel could be improved. one done, i could then make a colored version.

there are several possible uses for these arms. it coexisted with several tyrannosaur species, so it is likely that the arms served a defensive role. not many animals want large claws striking at the face. they could of also been use for gathering water bound plants as evidence has shown that deinocheirus was more accustomed to aquatic life then we thought. even to the point where it shows direct evidence of it predating on both plants and fish.



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best posture I have seen so far on models. I think the tail up is good, feet pedaling up and down maybe a little forward, and perhaps the head and neck pulled back just a tiney bit and that's the way they were. in my humble opinion. been watching birds walk every chance I get. great model by the way, I like your style!
This is really watching the mind at work developing something. Honestly, you don''t get to see that much except on forums like this one ,and with members like you guys. :)