Creating a few Tom Swift Jr. crafts - 3D first paper second


New Member
Nov 28, 2009
I have started creating a few 3D obj files from the Tom Swift Jr. books.

Once done I will try to convert them over to paper models
If you would like to download my OBJ files they are here @

Please feel free to review, comment etc.
Maybe even get a copy if you like.

Link to some of the picture book covers for the crafts swift Jr. book covers&espv=2&biw=1054&bih=805&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiWxfuYgt_QAhWC4SYKHXqoCFUQ_AUIBygC

I will probably need some help when the time comes to converting them to .PDO files.
But until then I want to get the 3d mesh files correct.

Here are a few
The Polar Ray Dynasphere
Polar Ray Dynasphere.JPG

The Challenger
The Challenger.jpg
The JetmaineCapture.JPG
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These are all very interesting! I am curious to see how you will make them into paper models.
Needless to say, I am following this thread.
I wish you the best of luck with it!
Same here..will watch and see as you go..No.'s 1 and 3, not a lot of problems..No. 2...I would hold off till last....;)
Same here..will watch and see as you go..No.'s 1 and 3, not a lot of problems..No. 2...I would hold off till last....;)

I agree # 2 (the TS Challenger) will be a project the fatman suits, Terrasphere and Polar Ray Dynasphere will be much easier to start with
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What are you modeling with? Looks great! :)
I am using a older version of lightwave to start (Because I know it so well) Then clean-up with AutoCad Inventor 2017 (Just learning this one).

Thanks Zathros! I like the way they are turning out to.

Tom Swift Jr really got me started in to SciFi and modeling. I was sad to see so little done to bring his crafts out in some form of modeling so I have got started doing this. I am making the 3D mesh files all available for everyone to get a copy (free no strings attach) here @ in hopes others will make more modeling done for this subject also.
I would put it here also but I am not sure this site wants to host a bunch of 3D mesh .OBJ files also (no need to clog the servers with extra stuff).

So once I can turn them into paper models I will see if the good people at this site will host them.
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They came out really well. You have to start out with the primitive shapes, and built up. Everything is made that way. When you reverse engineer things, as I used to have to do for a company I cannot name, you would look for the greater primitive shape, which usually corresponded with the largest shape being in grain with the metals grain, (Yes, metal has a grain to it, different with castings), bars of T6061 have the grain marked on the spec sheet, but there is an electronic tool that can tell you this. It always boils down to once finding the overall shape, you then find the datum plane reference point, and all the dimensions fall in place.

I think your the first Lightwave user I have met. Rhino 3D reads Lightwave files, so we could share data and help each other if we needed too. You can see a lot of my stuff in the "Renders and Illustrations" section, where you can feel free to post Renders of you work. I created that section for a place that you can post a Render without their being an expectation that you will be making a model out of it. Also, for people to show their Renders, and how they are progressing. Feel free to post in that section or any other one that is appropriate.

We will host any model, the model always remains yours, you upload it, and then you can remove it whenever you wish, no reason needed. Just know that once the Cat is out of the bag, you'll never get it back in and other people will take it.. You are in essence throwing it to the wind. On the other hand, it's a neat feeling to know someone on the other side of the planet is building the model you designed! ;)