Blazing Angels


Oct 5, 2013
So Today, after 3 months of being stuck at home allowing my foot to heal up and getting used to bearing weight on it, and NOT playing any games on the X Box in that whole time (except last 2 days played just a few hours) I decided it was time to "fly"
Turned it on and started playing one of my favorite games "Blazing Angels'' The WW II secret missions X planes one. The one that has a few different X planes from Germany etc.
I love that game, because mainly the scenery is AMAZING and rich and there are several places where you can just fly and enjoy all the scenery and really practice a lot of maneuvers and aerobatics,without having to engage in an immediate thing I dont like about most flying games. You cant enjoy the flying part really... the relaxing part.
It's why a really amazing flight sim is awesome too.
That said, the other reason I really like that game, is that you can apply many different paint and national liveries to your plane.
I realized that after playing awhile and selecting different planes for different missions, That all my planes were customized at an earlier time ( last year) by me, with all of them being either Luftwaffe or Polish, as I'm Polish and German.
I have to say that game is so flippin fun. some of the planes have schemes and colors that just look really cool, and oddly, inspired me to stop and start working on building a few of my paper projects to try to match a few particular ones I have on the game.
I have one that is not historically accurate i'm pretty sure, but looks really neat. not accurate for a few reasons but looks cool.

It's a FW 190 A(not sure if 8 or 9), but painted in an Afrika Korps desert scheme that looks pretty weathered, but it's got the Polish signage.
Just an oddball way to pay tribute to both parts of the heritage, and one I hope to get done as a paper kit in reasonable time, to put on my shelf.
Learning to fly


Man, you always manage to surprise me (in a good way, of course!); you're making a habit of it! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I'd like to see that build, please!
idea1 BTW, if you're going to build it, may I suggest that you upload the schematics? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hey Rogerio. I certainly will. It will be after the holidays, and following the forced perspective Blackhawk tribute to my friend Troy,ad the Heart of Gold space ship over at UHU's site. But I certainly will.
Oh....and I like your topic header...nice little veiled PF homage. :)
Ironically, one of the albums on my X box, that I play as background music while I'm flying on that game, is the Momentary Lapse of Reason album. Some great flying songs on it like That one and then On the Turning Away, as well as that deep growling haunting "sorrow" . The live versions of Great Day for Freedom and Comfortably Numb from the Pulse live CD are amazing too.
I hope you have a great week. :)

A live version of On the Turning Away, from the live in Gdansk cd/dvd combo a few years ago, features a version where Dave forgets the lyrics to his own song and completely trips up and resings the previous words and then he chuckles for a bit and keeps going, and you can hear the crowd go nuts. It's awesome.
Music and me...


I like to play with the titles of my posts, but you already know that.
My mom was a music theory/piano teacher, but I unfortunately can't play any instrument. I like almost any kind of music, except for heavy metal and something that we have here in Brazil that doesn't even qualify as annoying, disturbing noise. In order to avoid open criticisms, I won't tell what it is.
But we were talking about PF, and I have the Pulse CD, the one with a blinking light, and do like it pretty much. If you're not down or deppressed, than you can always enjoy them, otherwise, you'd better pick something else :rolleyes:
Anyway, playing videogames with some music on the background must be cool, but I admit it: I've never tried it, it'll probably distract me... :cry:
All the best,

I have X-Plane. It is a very sophisticated flight simulator. I learned how to navigate for real on these programs, saving me 10 hours of flight time. Solo'd in 18 hrs, Logged in total 220 hrs. before stopping for medical reasons. These "games" are more than that. They can teach you much.:)
They are AMAZING. Incredible to work on. definitely more than mere games.. The thing I love about the flight sims is being able to have real world weather patterns in real time. Pretty incredible.
I got the Microsoft century of flight for a gift when it came out, and the first flight I did.....or rather started on was the Transatlantic Vickers Vimy flight. It's done in real time, so the flight sim time on it was 15+ hours. You got to watch the atmosphere and night time-daylight changes and see the stars and moon etc. Sooooooo cool.
Two really great planes on X plane 9 are the X-15 and the Piaggio 180 avanti.
That plane is such a beautiful plane and just cool as crud to "sit in and fly" as is the Beech starship. Love that plane.
The Seattle Museum of Flight had one, ad i think they still do.
For the longest time I played Crimson Skies on the original Xbox, played it to death but it wasn't quite nothing like the tabletop games. Was a huge fan of the Devastator mainly for its solid stats and built one or two models in the past that were lost like many other projects from a tragic event almost 2 years ago.

Now I've been spoiled by Tom Clancy's Hawx series, Ace Combat series, IL-2 Sturmovik and Jane's Advanced Strike Fighter....well just mostly jets in general.

X-Plane and Blazing Angels are pretty good games too.
OH MAN those Jane's simulators are AMAZING. I had a Jane's sim several years ago ( I can't remember the version) that featured different F-16s, an A-10 an F-105 (Viet Nam camo scheme) an F-117 and others that I don't recall right now.
One of the features about the sim that I thought was just really cool, was that it had the option for voice activated cockpit. It also had a great flight assist that came in handy when trying that F-117 in flight refueling trick. I love the Jane's stuff.
Several years ago, i was subscribed to the Jane's military website news feeds.
I had gotten an email from Jane's news feeds regarding the last shuttle disaster (even though the shuttle is not a military vehicle or purpose, Jane's has a lot of government inclusions in their news feed) before the mainstream media was even announcing it. I printed off the news feed updates in my email and have them tucked into the special edition of that shuttle tragedy that TIME/LIFE put out in memorium.
I had a few subscriptions to Jane's Military a while back but like many things I had it either slipped by, were lost in an accident or simply couldn't find the time to enjoy it as per the turbulence in my current lifestyle.

I still have the old Jane's Classics on the PC such as A-10, IAF, WWII Fighters, Fleet Command and Longbow Anthology that I remember spending many a after school afternoons playing back in 99. Those were the days and back at the height of my modeling building days. Funny how when you're younger you seem to be less...inhibited...